Chapter 14

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I jumped away as I felt something cold on my neck.

Y/n: COLD! Cold cold cold!

I jumped up but still felt pain. I looked over to see Sera with a glass of ice water.

Y/n: how'd you get in here?

Sera: I used your key

I gave a small groan of pain.

Y/n: got it

Sera: don't worry, Elaine will be here soon

Y/n: I don't need her

Sera: well I think you do.

She handed me the water. I drank a large part of it quickly.

Y/n: it's funny

Sera: what?

Y/n: the school Ace leaves, everyone targets John and I but mostly me

I put the water down and looked at gunslinger.

Y/n: and so I decided to start showing this thing. People have avoided me a bit more but still attack me

Sera: so have you actually used it on anyone? And I mean seriously hurt someone?

I thought about what happened with Arlo earlier.

Y/n: no

Sera: ok

I heard the doorbell ring and Sera went to get it. I just sighed.

Elaine: sorry I took so long. I was hanging out with Ar-a friend

Did Arlo call her? He better not have said anything!

After a few minutes she noticed me.

Elaine: what he doing here!?!

Y/n: I live here

Time skip

I sat in silence as Elaine healed me.

Elaine: be lucky Seraphina is your friend. If she wasn't I would bother with this

Y/n: I don't need you. I never needed you. Sera got you for me, I would've used something else

Elaine: well you don't seem to be complaining

Y/n: you never want to get the person healing you to hate you, though you do hate me

Elaine: how'd you even get the-

She looked at me injuries in shock.

Elaine: wait did you get these from A-

I grabbed her mouth, shutting her up.

Y/n: don't...please

I don't know why but I did feel pity for her.

Y/n: I'm going to release your mouth. And your not going to speak of anything that just happened. Ok?

She looked at me and saw I meant if I meant it. She then nodded.

I let go of her and backed away from her a bit.

Y/n: I'll finish the healing my own way. You can leave when you want

Elaine POV

As he spoke I was scared. Really scared. But he didn't act mad or angry. He spoke with sadness in his voice.

And when he let go of me he backed away. Like I was going to hurt him. And I felt pity for him.

I got up from his couch before walking out. I turned around before I left and saw him curled up into a ball.

I closed his door and stood there, processing everything.

Elaine: what has he been through too let him be scared of a healer?


Y/n: *sob* STOP! Please!

I kept crying as more tests were performed on me. But I can't die. They won't let me.

Blu Medic: never. Zhis will be finished and then you still vill live

He laughed like a maniac as he kept doing shit to me. Injecting shit into me, implanting shit into me, doing all sort of fucked up stuff.

Blu Medic: you vill be my master piece! Haha! I am a god!
Flashback end

I snapped out of my memories as I bumped into someone at school.

???: hey!

God damn it.

??? POV

I got off the airplane, with but my bags and myself. I looked at a piece of paper in my hand. It said Y/n's address.

I smirked.

Time skip again

I was walking through school not paying attention. Then I bumped into someone.

I looked up and saw I bumped into Arlo. I sighed.

Y/n: sorry

I turned back around before running off, not wanting to deal with anything at the moment.

Sera POV

I was sitting on Y/n's couch, playing on my phone before the door opened. I looked over at the door.

Sera: you're home early-

I stopped as Y/n didn't walk in. Some big man walked in, with a single suitcase.

???: Decoy!

He looked at me then realized I'm not this Decoy person. He also spoke in a thick Russian accent.

???: oh, you are not Decoy

Sera: and you probably shouldn't be here

He scratched his bald head.

Sera: wait are you one of Y/n's friends?

He smirked.

???: that is correct. And you are this Sera he talks about?

Sera: yes actually

I stood up and walk over to him. I put my hand out. He took it and shook.

Sera: it's nice to meet you mister-

???: Heavy. Just call me Heavy

Sera: Y/n talks about you and his other friends quite a bit actually

Heavy: but he doesn't give out name, does he?

Sera: no, never. And is he Decoy?

Heavy: that is very good. And yes he is Decoy. Where is Decoy now?

Sera: school just let out so he should be on his way. I'm suspended

He laughed at this.

Heavy: yes I know. He told us. Did Heavy know you were here? No

He put his suitcase down and walked over to the couch and sat down.

Heavy: it's funny. You look at Decoy now you will see a different person than you saw before he started. You know very little about him


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