Chapter 10

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I was cornered right outside of school by Tanner and 3 others. I was staring Tanner straight in the eye.

Tanner: what the hell are you glaring at idiot!

He shoved me back by pushing my shoulder.

Y/n: back away from me

He laughed.

Tanner: hahaha "back away from me" he says! That hand must make you think your better. Don't forget who's stronger here. I call the shots!

He tried to punch me. I dodged.

Tanner: and I'll do whatever the hell I want!

I chuckled slightly.

Y/n: pathetic

I grabbed his outstretched arm before flipping him over my head and slamming him flat on his back.

Y/n: your all pathetic

I heard the other day shit before I saw them rush at me.

I saw a slight glow appear on my nose, a red glow from my eyes before it disappeared.

Y/n: I will enjoy this

First was Illena.

She tried to punch me but I dodged before smashing my fist into her gut. Then I grabbed her head and smashed it into my knee.

I ducked out of the way of two yellow missiles.

Wenqi: better watch your back

I was punched in the back throwing me off balance. Then I got punched in the face.

I was knocked to my knee and I looked up just to get hit by Illena.

Illena: this is payback!

I was lying on the ground now. One of them grabbed my hair and pulled my head up.

Tanner: hahaha. Not so tough now-

He was cut off by a gun going off.

???: you're gonna back away from him now or I'm gonna lay you out

They looked behind them to see who it was. I knew who it was.

Y/n: hey Engie

I saw him walk up to them and punch Tanner right on the nose.

Engie: you don't mess with others

Illena: this isn't your fight!

Engie: oh yes it is-

He pointed at me.

Engie: if it involves him it involves me

She wasn't having it. She ran at him to punch him before she fazed right through him.

Illena: what?!

Engie looked at her before shaking his head in disappointment. Then he turned to me and helped me up, but not before getting whoever was holding my hair off me. He rapped his arm around my shoulder as he helped me walk away.

Engie: boy, you've gotten yourself in some deep trouble with those folks

Y/n: tell me about it

We both laughed, me having more trouble but still managed. Sadly I'd don't know who else was watching.

Arlo POV

I just looked at the guy helping Y/n. And I just could hear a bit of conversation from the man.

???: boy, you've gotten yourself in some deep trouble with those folks

Y/n: tell me about it

They laughed and I could hear a southern accent from the man. But the real question is how did he get here? He just appeared from nowhere.

Time skip

I was being dragged by the back of my shirt by the blu Heavy. The blu Medic and Blue Scout was following him. Well the blu Medic was looking me over.

Blu Medic: yes, he shall do

Y/n: don't you fucking touch me

Blu Scout: he gonna do more than touch y-

The blu Medic and blue heavy just looked in disgust at their Scout. Even I looked at him, and I was kidnaped by them.

Blu Scout: shouldn't have said that

Blu Medic: yes, but I won't touch you like zhat. That horrid even for me

Y/n: just kill me

Blu Medic: later

Blu Heavy: doctor is going to experiment on you, baby man

Dream end

I woke up in a panic, expecting myself to be in that lab. I curled up into a ball only to realize I was in my living room on the couch, next to a dispenser.

Y/n: Engie must have left

I lauded back down. It was quiet. The only sound was the dispenser.

I sighed before getting up. I then walked into my room and picked up the mask. I had put it in here yesterday.

I just looked at it. It was a red demon mask with horns and everything.

I put it back down before sighing. What am I gonna do?

I looked at the blueprint I had spread out on my desk. I walked over to my desk and sat down, then I grabbed a pencil.

Y/n: let's see what I can do with this

I started looking over each blueprint and marked all the important parts, then I noticed the fuel. Money?

I chuckled.

Y/n: no wonder money drops when we kill them

I then started to redesign the fuel. I was rich but I refuse to use money to power this.


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