Chapter 3

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Sera: thanks for joining me

Y/n: it's cool

We were walking out of the mall before walking to the bus stop.

Sera: uhh it's so crowded

Y/n: we'll take another a different bus stop. There's one across the park

A few minutes later we were walking across the park. I heard Sera start to laugh.

Y/n: what's so funny?

Sera: you wasted no time before. You just told him to give the money back and told her to shut up.

Y/n: haha yea-

I sniffed the air. I smelt someone. Behind us. I turned around but didn't see anyone.

Y/n: run

Sera: what?

I grabbed her hand before pulling her along at a sprint.

Y/n: i said run!

Sera POV

What's gotten into him? What's going on?

After a few minutes we were on the sidewalk, running along some building before we turned a corner.

He grabbed something out of his pocket. I small jug of water?

I opened it before throwing the water at the corner we just turned. I saw something in mid air darken.

Y/n: sp-

Time slowed down as I kicked the person at least 10 meters away. Time resumed.

Y/n: -y!

He looked at me, seeing my eyes glowing. He nodded at me.

Sera: let's go

Y/n: right

Time skip

We were in my house, panting.

We looked at each other before sighing.

Sera: what the hell was that...?

Y/n: some guy following us. No clue who it was

I stretched out before taking my guitar off my back and leaning it against the wall.

Sera: how'd you know we were being followed?

Y/n: now that's another thing I was taught. Different person though

I laughed, a bit remembering the amount of time it took for me to be able to sense spy's and other invisible people.

Y/n: want something to eat? I'll make ramen

Sera: nah, it's getting late. I'm going to head back to the dorms

I sighed at this.

Y/n: I really don't want you too do that

Sera: and why's that?

Y/n: how do you know someone else will try and come up and attack you? We got lucky but luck always runs out, at some point, no matter what

Time skip

I was making ramen for the both of us. I looked into my living room to ask Sera how much of a packet she wanted. That's when I realized I forgot to put that book away.

Sera: you always surprise me

Y/n: put it down

Sera: how'd you get your hands on a copy of this? It was banned two years ago, almost right after its publication

Y/n: I worked in New Mexico.y friends his a few copies and gave me one before I left.

She laughed.

Sera: I've always wanted to read this but could never find a copy of it. I wonder how it sparked so much controversy. Jeez it's hard to find copies of this

Y/n: it's because of the message. Help the weak, even if your stronger than them. Read it and you would understand

Sera: I guess I'll be borrowing this for awhile

Time skip

Boy Scout: grab him!

Blu Soldier: You are weak Maggot!

Blu Heavy: we shall kill little man

I snapped awake, panting, after remembering those moments at Teufort. I looked around remarking I'm just in my living room. I looked over to see Sera sleeping on the couch.

I got up before going to the bathroom to splash some water on me, to wake up.

Y/n: just a memory. Just a really shitty memory

I waked back out and out a red sweatshirt on, then walked back to the living room.

Time skip

I was sitting outside the convenience store, eating a hash brown. I remember what had happened. I gun to my head and a bullet through my brain.

I shook it off before getting up and starting to walk home.

As I got home and opened the door I saw Sera waking up.

Sera: well your up early

Y/n: bad dream

Sera: oh, what was it?

Y/n:...I'd rather not say

I held up the bag.

Y/n: I got breakfast

A few minutes later we were sitting at the table, eating. We were both silent, the only sound was us eating.

Sera: Y/n.

I looked up at her.

Sera: is everything alright? You've been acting strange. Well stranger than normal

Y/n: as I said bad dream. was a memory

She nodded.

Sera: and?

Y/n: let's just say it was an awful experience from when I first became a mercenary. I don't like speaking of it

She nodded once more. Then stood up.

Sera: I'll leave you be then

She grabbed her stuff then walked out, leaving me alone.

Sera POV

I closed the door and walked out. Then I heard my phone buzz.

I grabbed and looked who it was.

"37 unread messages"



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