7 - clay

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A smooth clay sculpture slides across your thumb
The stickiness, the absolute mess
You despise it; the smile staring back at you
Your horrid creation is a gateway for dilemmas
Yet you throw it into this world, and grab more clay
That clay that you threw; it's screaming
Screaming for the smile to alter, but you do not show yourself
Your creation despises itself
It's stubby little legs; it's permanent smile
It doesn't feel content with existence
Discomfort follows it around; thunderclouds
A simple fix; quite an easy one
If you had spent even five more minutes perfecting it
It would feel handsome; it would feel free
Thunderclouds would clear, giving it air to breath
Though it is too late, I only ask you one thing
Please spend more time on your creations
They must live with themselves, not you.

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