24 - body

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Dear Body,

I feel quite uncomfortable residing within
Your womanly hips; your complexion
As lovely as you appear to seem
This is not me, you make me scream
Why must I reside in a shell of a girl?
Who grew up knowing nothing of the world
The kid who ate until her body would cry
The kid who's body I had taken as mine

It hurts to see the things I have done
To a daughter who has now become a son
To the bandaids and hours we spent in the night
Screaming and trying our best just to fight
These demons that take us; tearing at our skin
Telling us who we are must be a sin
Yet we collide, as if we are the enemy
I ask for the freedom that you are not giving me

I know that our life depends on being a team
But body, please listen, I am not being mean

I want to look in the mirror
Without feeling as if it's a window
With a girl staring back at me
It's too much to ask, though

...Isn't it?

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