49 - unhealthy

110 6 2

This poem contains dark themes that may be triggering to some readers. Please skip if it may effect you. Stay safe please <3

A drug that isn't consumed
Adrenaline the only chemical
A bull with bladed horns
Only wanting to see red

A euphoric feeling in the moment
A metallic aftertaste in my mouth
And after the addiction is satisfied
It feels like a regretful act

And I ask myself
A temporary relief with a painful forever
Left tattooed on my flesh

Several seconds of euphoria
Only to be left with a permanent reminder
Of the pain I allowed myself to feel
For what?
A flash of false relief?

And the longer it remains
Only an urge
The longer it remains
In the back of my mind
Until I cave

But can I fight through it?
Admit that my body isn't made for this?
Yes, I can

But the battles within my mind
May last as long as these scars do

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