45 - left alone

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Death seems to gnaw at my skull
A loss, incomprehensible to the mind
As if every light from every city
Shattered, left in the dark

And the loss, the shock of realization
When a loved one cannot speak to you anymore
They cannot hold you, they cannot feel
Left for the worms like everybody else

Nowadays it feels as if my heart
Struggles to keep myself alive
Three pieces of it seem to be missing
Each from a loss, a painful loss

And I often seem to ask myself
Why, Mother Earth?
Why take these people away?

The gnawing at my skull worsens
With every morning I awaken
From a slumber without feeling
A rest without the reminder of death

I can't seem to find a silver lining
With all of these loved ones dying
I have to be honest and realize
That I can't see them anymore


Rest easy, grandma.
Rest easy, the animal that made me feel happy when I couldn't find it within myself.
All of you.
I miss all of you so much.
My heart aches.
I hope your graves keep you safe while you rest.

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