48 - problem child

86 5 1

Being a child of problems
Feeling as if I can't solve them

Using my mistakes as simple conversation
Although my actions shouldn't need explanation

Asked why I allow the nicotine in my body
While they cannot see the weight that is on me

Their eyes see a boy; addicted and in pain
Yet they don't see the clouds above me pouring rain

I'm trying my hardest to keep my mouth shut
While you mock me as my life's stuck in a rut

Humorous to you, painful to me
All because you just cannot see

This aching feeling deep down in my chest
And the nights I would spend without any rest

The problem child with a tongue of blades
He stays in his room, he hides in the shade

And as much as I'd love to keep it together
I'll feel like the problem child, now and forever

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