Chapter 4 "How Sweet"

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          The bell rung as Kaito said that. "Lunch time!" Mr. Kiyoteru smiled. Everyone got up to head to lunch except me. "Oi Pepperoni? Why are Ya staying?" I looked in back of me to see the Newsie boy. "Oh um.. The name's (y/n) (l/n) by the way. Friends call me (n/n). I was running late and I forgot my lunch at home in the morning." He groaned. "Gakupo. Gack for short." I nodded. "See ya." He waved. I stretched out my arms and yawned. I hummed a bit too.

           I felt somebody touch my shoulder. "Ah!" I squeaked. I looked to my right. "Idiot. Why aren't you eating?" I heard a soft voice I looked up to see the blonde shorty. He frowned a bit. "Did Gack tell you?" He nodded silently. "Why are you worried?" "Shut up!" He crossed his arms. I smiled softly. Kaito was right. "Sweetheart." I spoke nonchalantly. "Ah-" His cheeks turned a light rosy red. His ears turned red as well. He tried to hide his face in his scarf. "Just shut up already!" He shook his head. His hair bounced adorably. "I was joking." I stuck my tongue out and chuckled. "Stop messing around and eat this!" He placed an anpan on my desk. "Woah. Thanks." I grinned. I opened up the plastic packaging and took a bite of the tasty treat. "Y'know it's been a while since I ate one of these..." My cheeks were all puffed out. "You look like a fat chipmunk." My brows furrowed. "You don't have to watch me eat." I spoke with my mouth full. "Gross." I swallowed my food my cheeks red from embarrassed. "Oh sorry your highness." I rolled my eyes. He flicked my forehead. "Hey!" I held it. "Your nails are sharp!" I squealed. "Hmh. Don't forget you're the one who ruined my sweater! You have no right to-" he stopped when he caught me holding back a laugh and looking up at him; this moment catching him off guard. This made him give me a weird look. "Alright little prince..."

          I spoke softly and bit into the final half of the anpan. I stood up from my chair and patted his head. He looked up at me, eyes widening. The height difference almost made him stumble. "I'm just a bit taller. No need to be scared." He puffed out his chest and stood up straight. "Y-You're not that tall!" My cheeks started hurting from smiling so much. "Hehe.. I haven't smiled this much in a long time... Thanks..." I ran my fingers through his bangs and ruffled his hair. "Stop it! You're gonna mess up my hair! I have a performance later." "Mm. What time?" "No way!" I winked playfully. "I'll ask Kaito." He huffed. "You're such a complicated girl." He sat by me and rubbed his temples. I closed my eyes and smiled. "I'm not complicated." He groaned. "You lie blatantly..." He let out a small "tch." Following his comment. I opened my eyes and stared at him. His lips were pouted and his pale blonde hair was all messy. His eyebrows were furrowed cutely.... Wait... What am I thinking? "Y'know... If I do go to your concert I'm gonna embarrass the hell outta all of you." He huffed loudly. "Bye!" He got up from his seat. I waved. "Bye bye." He walked to the classroom door quickly with his chest puffed out.

          The bell then rang. I giggled to myself seeing as he walked in with his chest still puffed out. "I knew you missed me." I teased. He puffed out his cheeks. He took his seat as the rest of the students poured in. I brushed the left side of my hair behind my ear. Kaito took a seat next to me. "Whats up with that hair of yours?" My cheeks flushed and I huffed a bit. He attempted to touch my hair. I immediately flinched and pushed his hand out of the way. "Quit it!" His eyes widened a bit. "Ah, forgive me." "I'm sorry..." I sighed a bit. "Why are you apologizing?" Kaito smiled. "I mean... It's partially my fault???" I sounded a bit confused. Kaito laughed a bit. He enjoyed our banter. "Alright kids! Back to class!"

          Mr. Kiyoteru clapped his hands. His lesson, kind of drab, led on for a while. Things about History and stuff. I will admit I am not the best student and I get distracted frequently. Whether it was doodling in my notes or tapping on the desk. I attempted to free myself from boredom. I checked my phone for the time. 2:15 pm. 15 more minutes.....

          "That'll be it for today class. Please don't be afraid to pack your things!" A lot of chatter then sprouted up. I sighed and layed my head against the desk and remembered. "Hey Kaito?" "Hm?" He titled his head while putting stuff in his bag. "What time is the Gensou Airly concert tonight?" I smiled a bit. "Ah.. 7:30pm. How come?" I scratched the back of my neck. "Ah, well. May not seem like the type but I really have a love for idols and bands." He let out a soft smile. "Can't wait to see you there. I'll give you my number and text you the details." He took out his phone. It was blue with cute ice cream patterns on it. "Ice cream because you're a chill guy?" I joked. "Haha very funny." He rolled his eyes. "Actually my favorite thing to eat. What about yourself?" My eyes widened. "I love all types of sweets and junk foods! Especially oatmeal cookies or powdered donuts!" I unlocked my phone and opened up my contacts. He raised a brow. "Oatmeal cookies? Strange girl." He chuckled and shook his head. "Not strange. Just enjoy the small things." I handed him my phone allowing him to type his contact in. He did as expected. I typed in his name as "Cool Guy Kai💙" He smiled. "Oh yeah. I need a contact photo of you too." I pulled up my phone. "Now pose!" I smiled. He let up a peace sign and closed both of his eyes. I took the photo. "Fits ya well." I put my phone back into my skirt pocket. The bell then rang. "See you tomorrow class!" Mr. Kiyoteru sprinted out the door as if there was no tomorrow. Strange man.

          I began picking up my things. I picked up two mechanical pencils and my spiral. I stuffed it into my bag messily as the rest of the class including Kaito left. I looked around seeing that everyone left. There was a yellow phone left on a desk with teal case of what I was assuming for air pods. The case was decorated with silver stars and had a banana key chain. I picked up the items and put them in my side pocket. "I'll return them tomorrow.. Can't let someone steal those rich people headphones." I snickered to my own joke. I walked down the halls till I reached the open entrance with all the shoe lockers. I was about to leave until I heard someone's voice.

          "WAIT!" I shifted my head to the right to see the blond boy. "Did you forget about my note?!?" He sounded irked. "Oh um. Yeah sorry about tha-" Before I could finish my sentence he shoved his cream yellow cardigan in my face. "You said you'd clean it." He huffed. "So keep your promise." I smiled a bit. "Ah yeah of course.. I'm really so-" "No excuses!" He turned his head. He seemed smaller without his cardigan. I smiled at how frail and gentle his frame is. His yellow tie was draped along his white button up shirt. Hm... Yellow..."Oh! By the way! Is this yours?" I turned around and grabbed the air pod case and phone from my bag. His eyes widened as he patted his jeans. His cheeks turned into a rosy hue from embarrassment. He got into his regular haughty stance. "In fact it is. Hasn't your mother ever told you not to touch others-?" I cut him off before he could dig himself into a deeper hole. "Oh um.. My parents aren't around often. But I do love my mother. She not really specialized in things like that..." I awkwardly laughed it off. His stance faltered and his arms fell to his sides. "Anyways.. Here." I handed him the case and phone awkwardly. He grabbed it gently with both hands. His eyes glued to his feet. I noticed his nails were painted yellow and glistened. "Ha, I like your nails." I smiled gently. He looked up at me. "Don't patronize me." He furrowed his brows. But not as stoic and rude as usual. "No I really mean it. Check out mine." They were painted (f/c) and chipped from stress.. "So unladylike like..." I huffed. "How rude." He mumbled something under his breath. "Hm?" "I said! I said... Maybe I should do them sometime... It's not pretty for a girl to have her nails so uncared for." He crossed his arms he brushed his hair behind his ears. "I'll keep you to it." I messed with my ear piercing. My heart start to race a bit. I shrugged it off. "Anyways.. Give me your number so I can give you updates on your cardigan." He nodded as I opened up my phone and handed it to him. He typed in his number. "Ah I known this is awkward. But I forgot your name." He scoffed. "Really?! It's Len.. Len Kagamine. You better remember it. I won't say it again." I nodded happily. I typed in his contact name 'Len'. Out of instinct I backspaced and put 'Len💛' "Contact photo?" I felt as if I was pushing my luck. "In your dreams!" My instincts were correct. "Well anyways.. I'll see you tonight." I smiled softly. "Don't forget to change your shoes tomorrow. You've been wearing those awful sneakers all day." I looked down to my feet and realized I will still wearing my outdoor shoes. Also known as my Converse. "Oh yeah." I once again picked at my piercing. "Thanks." He nodded back. "Just making sure the upperclassmen don't chew you out.." He looked away. "Thanks." I grinned. I began walking home. I turned back and I swear I could've seen a smile. How sweet... 

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