Chapter 26 "Ultimately"

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          I laid in my bed starring blankly at the ceiling. Things have been so awkward with Len lately.. I cant help but thinking  the whole thing was entirely my fault. But he was leaning in too! I rolled over grabbing a smaller pillow squeezing it tightly..
Our conversations during lunch are short and quiet most of the time. Whever he notices how close he is he moves away. It's not the same.. I hope we can figure out this stuff soon. I grabbed my phone from under the covers trying to find some sort of distraction. That was when a familiar ringtone began going off. The caller ID read 'Len💛'. I mean.. I cant ignore his calls forever. I swiped the green phone shaped icon.

          "Hey? What's up?" I heard clanking and the creaking sound of chairs in the background. "Um (Y/n)..?" His voice wavered slightly sounding nervous. Hes addressing mme by my first name at least. "Yeah what is it?" He sighed heavily. "Can I ask you for a really big favor?" I thought to myself for a moment. I did promise I'd always be there for him. "Of course. What is it exactly?" I could basically hear his mood change through his tone. "Thank you, (Y/n)! Can you come to the concert hall that we preformed at last time?" I sat up from my bed and began opening up my closet. "I'll be there in 30 minutes." The phone went silent for a moment until I heard Mr. Kiyoteru's voice over the line. "We're on in an hour and 30 minutes! And Len you need to change out of your uniform!" I raised a brow in confusion. Did he want me to check out a new song of theirs or..? That's when I heard Lens voice clip back in. "(Y/n).." His voice went soft. "Can we talk after the concert..? Please." He begged. My heart stopped for a moment. The lump in my throat came back hearing him plead like that. "Ah.. Sure." I smiled softly to myself with furrowed brows. "Really?!" He sounded relieved over the line. I chuckled. "Yup." I pulled out my pink sweater he had gotten me from the side of my closet. "Thank you.. ACK GACK YOURE HURTING ME-" so much for that sweet moment. "I'll see you later, (Y/n)- Gakupo you idiot! Let me go!" The phone hung up quickly. I rolled my eyes playfully. Looking around for a shirt and jeans. I pulled a white long sleeve with a floral print on the middle and a pair of black jeans.  "This will have to do."


          I walked up to a bouncer blocking the performers hallway. My hands stuffed awkwardly into my pockets. "Ah is Len Kagamine here? He needs me backstage." He raised a brow. "Just go with the rest of the fans back in the crowd." I huffed angrily. Did Len really not tell him about me? "No sir. Len Kagamine asked for me earlier. I could show you our call and text log if I need to." I sighed as he kept on lecturing me. I looked off to the side annoyed. Gakupo and a group of unfamiliar girls chatting. "Yo Gack!" The man growled a bit. "Kid really-" Gakupo sauntered his way to me with his usual swagger wrapping his arm around my neck in a gentle headlock. "Ah, (Y/n)!! What took you so long? Len's been in the back waiting for you forever! Dont worry Takashi shes with us!"

          He winked at me. Gakupo's kinda too affectionate for my liking. Considering we're not too close. Luckily the bouncer moved away from the door reluctantly. Gakupo took me by the hand leading me backstage to their main room. I heard a familiar voice perk up once I entered the room.

          "Ahh, (Y/n)! What took you so long!!" Len ran up to me pushing the makeup artist from his way. "Ah, Len!" He instantly latched onto me holding onto my arm tightly. "Yikes. Someone's touch starved." Gakupo coughed awkwardly. Kaito came from the side jabbing him by the hip. "Ack-" As I was about to ask for the reason I was here in the first place the girls walked in. "Ah, (Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Luka questioned. I shrugged. "Shes here to replace Miku today." I felt my blood run cold. Nervousness beginning to bubble up. "What?" Len nodded. "Miku's basically grounded.. but You know the choreography well enough!" Luka and Meiko just laughed to themselves. Looks like I'm stuck doing this now.. "Great.." I sighed out. I ran my fingers through my hair pushing my (h/c) locks away from my face. "Mr. Kagamine can you please remove yourself of the girl in the pink sweater. I need to apply makeup. You go on in 50 minutes." Len perked his head up. "Right!" He took a seat. "Ah you too Ms..." My brows furrowed as I waved. "(L/n). (L/n) (Y/n)." She nodded in understanding. "Yes. Can you take a seat next to Mr. Kagamine, Ms. (L/n).." I shrugged reluctantly taking a seat. The girls lef the room a little bit afterwards.

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