Extra☆"Shooting Star"

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          I knocked on the glass window smiling to myself. The window opened up to reveal a very tired Kagamine. I rested my arm on the sill. "(L/n)? What are you doing here?" The boy rubbed his eyes. My smiled widened as I admired his adorable tired stature. "I wanted to see if you wanted to watch the stars tonight." I winked. "I knew there was no way your parents would let you out at this hour so I figured..." "That I should sneak out." He crossed his arms. "No way." He huffed. I nudged his shoulder gently. "C'mon, Kagamine. Live a little." He rolled his tired eyes. I grabbed his hand and tried to get him to come outside. "(L/n)! I'm in my pajamas. Hold on! Hold on! Let me just change!" His cheeks flamed red. He began to shut the window to close. I leaned against the wall waiting. He soon came out wearing a grey sweatshirt and black shorts. He wore grey slip on Vans. He shut the window once more. We walked together side by side down the street. He averted his eyes to his feet as we walked.

          We slowly approached out destination. A tall grassy hill. I spread out my arms still standing and let my body fall to the ground. Kagamine let out a small laugh. He sat down next to me. "Rest." I told him. He reluctantly complied. He layed down next to me and rested his head on my outstretched arm. I felt my heartbeat quicken and my cheeks heat up. I looked at him only to see his eyes closed and his cheeks a rosy red. I looked up and averted my gaze to the sky. He did as well. "Kagamine. Look a shooting star. Make a wish!" I pointed up. He groaned. "You really believe that stuff?" My brows furrowed. "Dunno but it's nice to." "Alright then.." He pressed his hand to his heart and sighed. He then opened his eyes. "What was the wish?" I smiled. He blushed a bit. He looked at me with red cheeks and then looked away. "Nothing special..."

I must spoil my dear readers because of my absence and lack of updates. But dont worry. There should be a new chapter up by next week!

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