Chapter 9 "Endless Wedge"

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Hi lovelies. Today I have a song dubbed by SirHamnet. She's what I imagine Len's voice would sound more like in this fanfic. She portrays his feminine yet boyish voice in a perfect way. I do recomend checking out her channel. ^^

      Being late to class wasn't as big a deal as I thought it would be. Mr. Kiyoteru let Kaito know to give me a rundown. Today we're going over the Shakespeare story or Romeo and Juliet. Mr. Kiyoteru was giving a lecture. "Hey Shion." "Call me Kai." He smiled softly. "Which kid is Oliver?" His brows widened. "Oh. He's the kid with bandages on his left eye. Bleached looking blonde hair. It's natural. Yellow eyes too. He's got a bird friend named James. Sitting next to Len." He pointed to the desks in the center row next to ours." He's actually Ms. Ann's son." My eyes widened. "Oh. Well thanks for the info, Kai." I winked. He finger gunned. "Anytime." I looked down at my notebook and started writing what Mr. Kiyoteru put on the board. I rested my head on my hand. I yawned and let out a small sigh. I doodle in my spiral. Things like cats and stars. I remembered how peeved Len looked when we first met, so I drew an angry Len. I drew a small crown on his head and let out a chuckle. "Is there something funny, Ms. (L/n)." "Just the story Mr. Kiyoteru." He gave me a gentle smile. "Of course. I find the Queen Mab implication funny as well." I gave him a slight nod. "Nice." Kaito covered his smile. "Is that Len?" He whispered. He pointed at my notebook. I nodded. He laughed. "Looks exactly like him." He smiled. He began drawing me next to Len. I left Kaito to his fun and resumed listening. The tapped my pencil to my paper letting time pass. As soon as the class started it ended. The bell rang. I stood up and walked over to the center desk. I saw the boy that Kaito had described to me. Len looked up at me. "Don't worry Kagamine. I'm not here for you." I joked. He rolled his eyes. "Oliver. Ms. Ann wants you to stop by her office. Something about lunch..?" He nodded shyly. "Ah, thank you very much!" He got up and ran out of the classroom.
      I made my way to my bag to pull out a bit of cash and grab an apple juice bottle. "What are doing (L/n)?" Len snuck up from behind me. "Oh, I'm planning on getting something from the school concession for lunch." He looked away, "of course.." He crossed his arms. "You wanna come?" I raised a brow. He looked up to the ceiling. "I guess I could spare some time.." He sighed. "Let's get going!" I smiled a bit. We both walked down stairs together. "Can we head to the music room afterwards?" He adjusted his tie reminding me of my uncle. "Sure." I smiled a bit. As we headed down a few girls caught a sight of him and squealed. He furrowed his brows sadly and frowned. He looked uncomfortable to say the least. We reached the bottom floor only to be stopped halfway to our destination. "Um excuse me. Len-kun?" A girl with brown hair fiddled with her uniform sleeves. "Ah, yes?" He smiled ever so softly. "Would you.. Would you like to eat lunch with me and my friends?" Her face turned a shade of pink. "I'm sorry princess.. I'm a tad busy today." He placed his hand on her head. "I'll make it up to you sometime soon." I crossed my arms slightly annoyed. She smiled. "Please don't worry too much." She apologized. We parted ways with her. To be honest I was annoyed with Len. I sighed and walked ahead of him. We made our way to the stand.
     "What's up?" The dude who ran the stand spoke up. He had messy orange hair and black framed glasses. "Just getting a sandwich." He rested myself on the platform that separated us. "Specifics, Tiger." He winked. "Turkey and cheese.. Thanks, ginger." I grinned. Len rolled his eyes. We did our expected exchange and I got a bit extra. Banana bread! I smiled to myself. I got out of the way only to see Len following me. "You're not gonna eat?" He shook his head. "Just eat in the music room. It's too crowded down here.." He avoided the question and nervously held his arm. I complied to his request. Walking two flights of stairs I might add. Once we got there I sat next to the window. It had an open space where someone could lay down. I bit into my sandwich while Len sat on the seat for the piano next to me. I frowned. I nudged his cheek with the banana bread. "Eat, Princey." He tsked. "I'm on a diet." I deadpanned. "I thought idol diets were some scary myths." I fake shivered. He didn't find it too amusing. "If you don't eat then you're gonna gain more weight~" I continued to nudge it into his face. He reluctantly bit it. "There you go." I smiled. He took it from my hands and almost seemed happy. We continued to eat for a bit. I drank half of my juice and put it to the side.
      "So... You play piano, Kagamine?" I grabbed my juice and took another sip. He nodded. "My mom taught it to me." I could almost see him smile. I moved next to him. He inched away and furrowed his brows. He held onto the seat nervously. I scooted towards the edge to make him feel more comfortable. I awkwardly smiled. "Geez.. You don't have to be that far away." He moved halfway to the center and pulled me by the jacket. He pulled me closer till there was three inches between us. I felt my cheeks get warm. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on the smaller boy while he readied himself. "That's enough." He pushed my face away.and made me face the front of us. The light poured out from the windows giving the room a rustic and gentle vibe. He began pressing his fingers against the keys. "The scent of winters snow, the wind that comes and goes it brushes by my ears.." He sang. His voice was soft and full of life. I had just realized Len such a gentle voice for a 15 year old boy. It wasn't loud and obnoxious like most. "The times when we would play, laughing the days away. And even though we fought once in a while. Your calm and gentle voice is everything that I can recall. So I guess I didn't mind it much at all..." I closed my eyes and smiled. For the brat that he was he had a beautiful voice. I opened my eyes and looked at him playing. His fingers gently glided on the keys. His yellow painted fingernails shined when they hit the sunlight. I looked up at his face. His pretty blue eyes were focused on the piano keys. His tender pink lips moved so elegantly when he sung. I closed my eyes listening to him. "But still this little piece of, just a single word of "regret" in my mind. It will be holding my apart. Like a wedge inside my heart..."
     My hands held onto the seat. Len's voice was truly something special. Smiled softly. He continued to sing the chorus over again. Not making one mistake. You could hear the genuine emotion and love in the song pouring out. The thought of who this song was made for came to mind. It was beautifully written and composed. If. I could tell him anything in these small peaceful moments with each other it would be Kagamine Len, you truly have a talent and I'm glad you decide to share it with the world. But I don't want to interrupt this moment. "When I lay there alone at night sleep cannot be found. I remember your singing voice, such a warm and gentle sound. When I struggle to keep the painful tears from coming out. I think back to the happy things you used to sing about." He voice began to waver. "Cause I don't want to sing this type of tragic song right now. 'Cause I don't want to sing this type of tragic..." He took pause and poured his heart out into the next few lyrics. "To my dearly beloved one, I hope that you rest in peace. Safely here in the endless wedge in my heart, in eternal sleep." He continued to put his heart out there. Every lyric expressing his emotion. "So listen when I say. I love you to this day...!" He belted out the last few notes. He continued to play the piano which what I concluded was the ending. The song had ended. "Beautiful." The words simply slipped out of my mouth. I opened my eyes. He flinched and shifted his shoulders. "Excuse me?" I faced him. "Your voice." He looked everywhere besides me. "Oh. Oh um yeah. I knew what you meant." I chuckled. "You should sing for me again, Kagamine. I really enjoy it." I played with the sleeves of my jacket feeling embarrassed. "Do you sing?" "Not well." I laughed at my own joke. He rolled his eyes. "I'll be the judge of that." He huffed. Oh dear.

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