Chapter 17 "Parents"

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          Stirring awake I opened my eyes. I  sat up rubbing my eyes remembering where I was. I looked down at my body to see myself covered with a grey blanket. I looked back up seeing Kagamine look down at his phone playing a game. My laid sweater next to him folded neatly. He looked back up at me with a brow raised.

          "How long were we out?" He rubbed his shoulder massaging it. "About an hour, so not that long.." I crosses my legs and covered myself with the blanket like a cape. He placed his phone down and threw his body on the bed groaning. "Ah, I'm so bored, (L/n)!" I moved my body next to him still wrapped in my little cacoon. "What do you want to do?" He shrugged and hugged a pillow. "You wanna just talk, finally?" He  rolled towards me. "What do you mean?" I bit my lip trying to word things correctly. "You've just been really closed off lately... More than usual." He glared at me and pursed his lips. "Tch. Whatever." He moved again. I reached towards him gently tapping his shoulder. "Just mind your business!" I pulled my hand away. "Sorry..." He began moving the hairclips from his hair letting his bangs frame his face.  "Dont apologize I started it.." I attempted to smile bit he just brushed it off. "Hey.. (L/n).. Thanks for always just.. being around." Relief washed over me as it finally felt okay to smile. "I'll always be here, Kagamine." I patted his back. He then did something unexpected.

          The smaller boy gently wrapped his arms around me. I froze in place due to the suprising contact. I slowly began to ease into it accepting it. I rested my head on his shoulder and brushed my hand through his hair. Kagamine began to spill his current problems. Whether it was about his family or stress built up over time. You couldnt have guessed from someone with such gentle and dainty looks so much pain was held behind him. I tried comforting him as best as I could which from what I could tell had been working moderately well. All I could do was reassure him. He let out a long sigh and looked up at me.

          "Hey.. (L/n)?" I tilted my head. "Yeah." He looked off to the side looking embarassed of what he was going to say next. "I want... I want you.."

          Immediately he had been cut off by the door opening. Behind the door revealed a taller and slender man. His facial features were chiseled and showed age. He was at least in his mid forties and handsome at that. He had aged blonde hair and wore glasses. He had piercing blue eyes and wore a calm  look. This is who I assumed was Kagamine's father. I looked back at Kagamine and back at his father. The younger boy who had just been so honest with me looked like he had began to build his walls back up as soon as that man walked into the room. On the other hand Mr. Kagamine wore a calm closed eye smile but I found it intimidating none the less.

          "Ah, son.. I wasnt aware you were having company over." The blonde boy nodded. His face stern and brows furrowed. "And you are?" He opened up his eyes remaining smiling. "Oh, sir. My name's (Y/n) (L/n). Its very nice to meet you." I bowed in formality. "I dont seem to recognize your name from any of the families around here.. Do you attend school with my son? Or maybe your acquainted with him through his so called idol career." I froze and looked at Kagamine who seemed to grow more upset by the moment. "Oh um.. I'm one of his classmates and yes I do know him through his idol career." He walked closer to us offering his hand to me. I gently took it as he began shaking it. "I apologize for cutting this a bit short.. but Len has some things to work on. Isnt that right?" Kagamine clentched his fist but nodded. "No sir. Its fine!" I sat up and looked back at Kagamine. "I'll see you tomorrow at school. Okay?" I held his shoulder feeling his tense up. He just nodded and waved.

          Afterwards Mr. Kagamine guided me outside and closing the door with a slam. My body jolted up from the noise. But I began to settle down once leaving the house. I just hope hes better tomorrow..


          So far it had been three days since the event. Today it would make it the fourth. Kagamine hasn't been at school but I figured it had been for the best. Of course his dad had kept his cool demeanor but he seemed peeved. Kai and Gakupo apparently had been the ones taking the work. They hadn't been avoiding me though. So that's generally a good enough sign. Kagamine hadn't been avoiding my texts either. Although he had been actively avoiding the subject. It's best to leave things as it is for now. For now it's best to just pay attention to the lessons being given.

          I rested my head down looking at my notes. I'm generally bored out of my mind but all I had to do was keep reminding myself ot was only a few more minutes till lunch. I looked at Kai seeing him also in absolute despair. He had seemed tired out of his mind. I gently poked his cheek. He was out like a light. I chuckled and turned my head around glancing at the empty desk across from me and Kai. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


          The bell ringing woke me and Kai up. Kai had been the first of us out of the door. I smiled and decided to just rest in the class room today. Yet, someone decided to join me for a short time. Rin Kagamine pulled up a chair to sit in front of me. I waved pulling my head up from the desk.

          "What's up Rin." She looked at me sadly and sighed. "Nothing good.." I crossed my arms resting in my chair. "What do you mean?" She closed her eyes mimicking my previous movement. "Look.. You already know about me and my brothers relationship with our parents from what he says.." I nodded looking away and frowned. "Ah, yeah.." She paused for a moment. "Saying that. I dont do a lot of favors for my dad... but.. He wants you to stay away from my brother." My eyes widened as I felt my body growing hot from anger. "Wait. What?" She nodded. "You already know our father's stance on Gensou Airly meaning you understand why. Also the fact you're a girl doesnt help." I tried calming myself down and grabbed at my sleeves. "He's got the wrong idea!" She nodded. "Yeah, I know." My growing furrowed. "Rin you cant mean.." She averted her gaze away from me. "No offense, (L/n). I know you mean well." I nodded keeping quiet. "I cant stop you from anything though." She shrugged. "If it gives you any reassurance. I wont snitch." She smiled holding a finger to her lips. I laughed causing her to smile.
"Hey. That's what friends are for." I nodded feeling my anger settle down. Rin decided to spend lunch with me for the rest of the period.


          I began walking home as I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Len 💛
Sneak through my window.
My dad for sure wont be home
Anytime soon. We still need to talk..

read at 3:51

          For sure wasnt gonna ditch him like that. Especially after I talked with Rin today. I'll stick with Len no matter what.

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