Chapter 21 "Easy Breezy"

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          The loud bell rings throughout the classroom signaling the end of today. That means today officially marks 2 weeks before winter break and the end of the first quarter! I stuffed all my books in my bag swiftly smiling to myself. As soon as I get home it's snacks and Animal Crossing for me. I looked to the side hearing Mr. Kiyoteru in a rush. Now this was a different kind of messy. He'll be fine! I hope.. I spead out of the classroom hoping he would ask me to help out with afterschool chores. Walking down the hall I spotted Len! and next to him a smaller kid..? She wore a red overall dress and a white short sleeved shirt underneath. Her black hair was held in low pig tails.
She looks like a pre-schooler! I caught up to them curiously.

          "Hey, Len!" As soon as they heard my voice they turned around. Len smiled while on the other hand the girl hid behind him. "Hey, (Y/n)! Oh." He looked down at the younger female placing his hand on her head. "Who's the little kid?" He smiled. "She's Kiyo's kid. Her name's Yuki." I raised a brow surprised. "Isnt Kiyo in his early twenties? No judgement!" He chuckled covering his mouth. "No, dummy. She's a student of his." I put my hands on my hips. "Hey!" He laughed harder. "I'm just teasing!" He gently patted Yuki's shoulder. "She might as well be his kid at this point." He sighed softly. "He teaches music to younger kids afterschool. But hes got practice today." I hummed. "But you're here." He shook his head in response. "No, Kiyo's part of another band, Ice Mountain. They play less frequently though." I let a simple 'oh' slip from my mouth. My gaze shifted down to the younger girl. "Dont be shy. This is (N/n)." He nudged her foward smiling. She bowed and spoke softly. "My name is Yuki Kaai.. Yuki is just fine.. Its very nice to meet you, miss.." Her voice trailed off awkwardly. I crouched down to her eye level. "The name's (Y/n) (L/n). Nice to meet you Yuki!" She smiled. I smiled back. So cute!! Len snickered seeing me so vulnerable. I looked back up at him. "Where are you guys heading off too?" I pushed myself up with my knees. "We're going to the uptown shopping district. It should be a quiet since it's the afternoon." He shrugged. "Sounds like a lot of fun for Yuki." He nodded. "You wanna come?" I scratched the beck of my neck awkwardly. "Nah, dont want to intrude." He looked down at Yuki again. "I dont have a problem with it if Yuki doesnt." She shook her head smiling. "Looks like I'm joining you guys then."
He took the girls hand. "Let's get going."


          I walked on the side of Yuki who was conveniently placed in the middle. We both were afraid of letting her get too close to the street knowing how clumsy both of us can be at times. Oddly the closer we got the the unfamiliar shopping district the more calmer things seemed to appear. Of course it wasnt a complete ghost town, but it wasnt as full as downtown was. It had a nice vibe to it overall. Yuki seemed to be having a blast. She pointed at pretty tall buildings and tugged at Len's dark colored jeans. It was very cute to be honest. I've never seen him so patient with someone besides me and Kai. I held my hands behind my back looking straight ahead at a crosswalk.

          As we waited I spotted a smaller shop. "Let's get icecream!" I pointed at the shop looking down at Yuki. "I'll pay." Len suggested. I shook my head. "My treat." He smiled. "Alright then. You and me can share and Yuki can get something for herself." I smiled brightly as we walked down the street. Yuki teased Len. "You better not choose anything yucky." His brows furrowed. "Just because bananas look weird doesnt mean their gross." She shook her head opposing him. "I'll go in. What flavors do you want?" Yuki's eyes lit up brightly. "Strawberry!" I gave her a thumbs up and fixated my gaze towards Len. "And you?" He smirked impishly. "Banana Split." I teased him. "Yuck." I stuck my tounge out before entering the shop. He giggled and covered his smile. "Alright then." I entered the shop and placed the order. Didnt take too long before I got everything. I held them in both hands and headed out. "Len!" I squeaked before he came to help out. "(Y/n)!" He grabbed Yuki's icecream. "You okay?!" I nodded before he let out a sigh of relief. He handed the ice cream to Yuki. "Let's find somewhere to sit..." I stared off to the center to see some benches. "Over there!" His eyes widened. "Good idea." We all began making our ways towards the center of complex. I sat next to Len on the bench and handed him the spoon. We both dug in obviously craving the sweet. I closed my eyes grinning. "Its so good!" He had already finished half the banana. "Len!" He chuckled sheepishly. "Dont judge me." He bumped into my shoulder playfully. I bumped him back. Our playful banter had been interrupted. Yuki ran up to us pointing at her knee. "Ah, what's wrong?" Len looked down. "Shoot." Her knee was all scraped up. Nothing too bad though. "Isnt there a convenience store nearby? Pretty sure you can get some baindaids there." He stood up swiftly. "Yeah. I'll be back!" I patted down on the bench. Yuki sat by me swinging her legs. "How bad does it hurt?" She placed her hands in her lap. "Just a little." I huffed. "I'm sorry, Yuki. Me and Len should have been paying more attention. Kiyo's gonna have our heads on a silver platter!" She laughed at me and patted my shoulder. "Its okay. I'll just tell Mr. Hiyama that I fell after practice." Great.. Now I'm getting a preschooler to vouch for me. I frowned and scratched the side of my head. "Um.. (Y/n)?" I raised a brow. "Yup?" She began swinging her legs back and forth on the bench. "Are you and Len friends?" I nodded smiling. "Hehe best friends." She smiled. "Makes sense..." I stifled a laugh. "Does he talk about how amazing I am?" I posed childishly trying to earn a laugh from her. "Mhm." She nodded with energy. "Huh?" My eyes widened. "He says he has a really strong friend with pretty (h/c) hair." She put a finger to her mouth. "Dont tell him I said anything." I placed mine on my mouth. "Its our secret." We both laughed together our bodies shaking with joy.

          I heard the sound of feet pounding on the ground. Len came up to us gasping for air holding a plastic bag. I grabbed it from him and grabbed the bandaids. Len took a seat next to Yuki out of breath. Hes a fast runner. I popped the box open picking up a smaller bandage. Yuki placed her leg on my lap as I placed the bandage on her knee trying to make sure that when she peeled it off later it wouldn't stick to the scrape. Len tilted his head sitting. "What were you guys laughing about..?" Yuki smirked impishly. "Oh, nothing." He crossed his arms. "Yuki.. (Y/n), you gonna tell me?" I shook my head. "Nope!" He sighed. "After all the trouble I've gone through." Me and Yuki continued to tease him relentlessly. Len rolled his eyes checking his phone. "We should probably head to the Pre school.. Kiyo said he'd pick her up there." I nodded. "How much longer do we have." He stared off in thought. "About a good fourty minutes to get there." I gingerly took Yuki's hand. "You ready?" Her energetic demeanor increased. "Yup!"

          We both took Yuki by the hand making sure she wouldn't run off anywhere like earlier. If anything else would have happened we probably would have ended up on afterschool cleaning duty for months on end..

          I stole a glance at Len to see him starring off into space. Not anything new. He had been doing that a lot for the past few weeks.. I'm sure it's nothing too much to worry about though. He noticed me and smiled. We both looked down at Yuki. I'm gonna admit that babysitting wasnt the plan. Its was a pretty weird way of spending the day.. But I really dont regret it.


          "Bye bye!" Yuki waved at us keeping a tight hold on Kiyo. I guess the is what Lenent when he said they were pretty close. Len let out an exasperated sigh of relief. "She's a handful.." I playfully smiled. "She wasnt that bad." He closed his eyes, resting against a brick wall. "You know, (Y/n) you're surprisingly good with kids." I glanced at him. "What do you mean?" He fixed the collar of his shirt nervously. "Nothing bad. It's just I've never seen Yuki warm up to someone that fast." I snickered. "Maybe it's my winning personality that you always talk about with her." His eyes widened in shock and his ears and cheeks flamed up red. "What?!" I jolted away from the wall. "Nothing!" I held up my hands defensively. "Wait! What else did she tell you?" He looked absolutely stunned. "How you said the only thing youd ever marry is your school guitar~" I wiggled my fingers playfully as I teased the smaller boy. "(Y/n)!!" I chuckled. "I'm kidding! There was nothing embarrassing that she told me about." He looked away still embarassed. "You gotta admit the school guitar joke was funny." Still not looking at me he whispered. "Just a little bit..."

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