Chapter 20 "Hoshi no Uta"

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Hi lovelies! This is your author
MoonCity. Please go check out
Sirhamnet's cover of Hoshi no

          I stretched my arms looking up at my ceiling. I pushed my blankets away groaning. I looked at my feet to see my pink woven sweater which Len had bought me a two weeks back. I grabbed it and sniffed it. Eww. Gross. Oh well... I lifted myself from my bed and made my way to my closet. I pulled out my uniform and a baggy yellow cardigan lazily. I began slipping it on. I placed my phone in my pocket and walked out of my room...

          I grabbed a muffin laying neatly on the coffee table and an already made bento. Oooh thanks, dad. I stuffed the bento in my bag. I walked toward the door slipping my checkered Vans on heavily sighing. I can do this!! I walked down the street starring at the ground still a bit tired. I tried hyping myself up trying to lighten my own mood with happy thoughts. I opened up the door and began walking down the street. The cold air hit my face causing me to shiver. I should've brought a scarf or something.. As I continued to walk I heard someone call out my name.

          "(Y/n)?" I looked up from my feet expecting to see Fukase or maybe even Vee. Instead I was being greeting by Len. "Hey, Len." He smiled waving. "Dont you have to be at practice?" He shook his head. "Kai said I should take a break. I've been inspired to write new songs so I have free time to work on them now!" I raised a brow looking down to catch his glimpse. "Really? I'm glad.. but what inspired you all of a sudden?" He scratched his cheek looking off to somewhere. He awkwardly laughed. "Ah, nothing special.." I grinned. "Well can I hear one of them sometime?" He nodded. "How about we head to the music room during lunch?" I smiled brightly. My mood began to shift. "Sounds good. I cant wait!" His expression softened as he smiled softly with half lidded eyes. "Me neither.." He then fixed the scarf that was wrapped around his neck. "What are the songs about..?" He looked up at the sky. "I'm not even sure to be honest." I playfully tugged his sweater. "Oooh cryptic." He rolled his eyes. "Whatever." I smirked as we continued to walk down the street side by side.


          The lunch bell rang causing everyone to dash out the door as per usual. Len was waiting eagerly by the side bursting with excitement. I smiled seeing him this excited. I began pulling out my lunch from my bag until someone re entered the classroom. Rin Kagamine poked out her head from behind Len's shoulder causing him to flintch.

          "Rin?!" He gasped still surprised. She patted his shoulder giggling. "I just wanted to see what you to were up to." He nervously looked away. "Nothing much. We were just gonna head to the music room.." Her expression turned cold. "Ah, that's it.. I just needed to talk to (Y/n) for a second." He raised a brow. "How come?" She shrugged. "Nothing much.." I tapped his shoulder before anything bad could start up. "Just go ahead. I'll meet you there." He heavily sighed. "Alright then.." He quickly exited the room glaring at his sister. Sheesh.. wonder why hes so upset. "What'd you need to talk about, Rin?" She raised a brow. "So I'm guessing he didnt tell you what happened after your little hang out?" I shook my head with my brows raised. "What do you mean?" She pinched the bridge of her nose with pursed lips. "Tch. Typical.. My dad found him sneaking back into the house late. Obviously the old man was upset.. and Len's basically on house arrest this weekend." My body froze in place not knowing how to respond. "When I asked Len why he was out so late he said he was out with you.." She looked up at me coldly. "I know I said I wont snitch, (Y/n) but if you keep causing my little brother trouble.." I stuffed my hands in my pockets. "I get it.." She looked away at the floor. "Sorry, (Y/n)." I nodded in understanding but I still felt red hot with anger. Instead of losing my temper I walked past her making my way to the music room.

          I walked up stairs flaring with frustration. I knew full well that she had every right to say what she was saying but I cant help but feel so angry. We're friends for crying out loud! I continued walking upstairs until reaching the third floor. I moved down the hallways feeling sick from the anger. I peeked from behind the music rooms door trying to decide whether I should come in or not. I didnt want to come in upset and ruin his mood but that began to change.. There Len sat with the sunlight gracing his features. He sat there with a stupidly nervous look on his face making sure everything looked perfect with the school's guitar in hand. He shifted looking down at the guitar. His hair messily flowing around and his oddly fitting baggy uniform sleeves raised above his elbows. His yellow painted fingernails drapped across the strings in a orderly fashion. His gaze shifted to a loose leaf sheet of paper. Seeing how excited and nervous he was made me try to calm myself down. I took a few deep breaths And held onto the bottom of my sweater. I turned back to the door gently sliding it open.

          "Hey.." He smiled noticing my presence. "Can you close the door?" I did as told nodded. I looked over at him smiling as best as I could. "What happened with Rin..?" He could tell from the look on my face. "Its nothing." His eyes squinted. "If it's with Rin then it's something. I know my twin like I know myself." I shrugged. "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about." He poked my cheek and squeezed it. "Pretty little what-" I squeaked. "Nothing!!" He let go of my cheek. "I know its not nothing.." He held the guitar closer. "Its nothing to worry about. I'll always be there for you like I promised..." He nodded looking away like a sad puppy. "Anyways.. Werent you gonna show me that new song?" He perked up. "Yeah. Its called Hoshi no Uta." I titled my head. "A Star's Song?" He chuckled. "Its definitely a star's song.." He gently grasped the guitar and began plucking at the strings in a familiar pattern. "Isnt that the song from the-" He hushed me smiling. The music shop..

          He began to sing quietly. "From the direction of a certain planet
a comet passes overhead~" My eyes glued onto him as he played. I smiled to myself. His brows furrowed. "I want to go but can't go where you are. Just looking at you isn't enough..." His soft sorrowful voice seemed to carry itself with each lyric he sung. "It's like you have no conflicts or lies there. I want to meet you."

          His eyes closed as he held the guitar closer to his chest. He seemed to be fully enjoying himself with each time he strummed and each lyric he sung. He was immersed in the music and so was I. I was utterly enamored with every bit of him. My eyes continued to stayed glued onto him. Has Len always been this charming?  His eyes opened up as he began to stare off somewhere else.

          "It's too late." Even if they don't tell me such a thing, I understand it. Truth is, I knew that conflicts and lies dont stop. I want to believe what I believe but I cant..." He bit his bottom lip. "If only I could wipe out everything ahhhh ahhh~" He hummed along with the newfound energectic strumming pattern that followed his soft melody. I met with those blue eyes of his as he begun singing again. "How does it look to you? I dont have any great expectations, but if you are with me, that's enough for me." A soft smile graced his features. "Even if a hundred years pass by I hope these feelings never change." He closed his eyes. "The star song, that's your song. Let it resonate through this world.. yeah~" He followed the familiar strumming pattern holding onto his final note. "oooh oooh~" He smiled finishing off the song by plucking the strings. He laughed when he finished and held onto the base of the guitar. "What's you think?" He rested his cheek on the base. "I love it." His eyes widened and shifted their glance. "Ah um yeah. I'm glad." I pushed his shoulder jokingly. "Is someone getting shy..?" He scowled. "No!" I snickered. "So what inspired you to write all of a sudden?" He smiled to himself. "Nothing much..." I rested my head on the wall behind us. "Whatever it is I'm glad to hear you so happy about singing." He chuckled. "You mean it?" I smirked. "Mhm." He placed the guitar down and pulled down his sleeves; hiding his once exposed arms. "I'm glad.." He admitted.  I stared off in the almost empty music room. "And I'm glad your glad.." He laughed at me. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I shrugged. "Just happy that you're happy, Len." He rested his head on my shoulder. "You're so cheesy." He stuck out his tounge "I think that fits the best friend agenda. Dont you?" I rested my head on top of his. He crossed his arms. "Hm yup." I looked away. "So are we just gonna stay like this for the rest of lunch?" He nodded underneath me. "Just for a little while. I'm tired out." He sighed. "Alright then. Wanna go eat after school?" He nodded. "Hehe.. Yup!" I rolled my eyes teasingly. Looks like its katsudon tonight...

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