Chapter 19 "Meteor Shower"

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          Recently life has been super tough. I've been stressed out the past week and Len has began noticing. Which worries me even more since stressing him out is the last thing I want to do. I'm lucky it's at least Friday though. Then I can just relax and think life over. I've been recently worried about music, work and my friend groups. Normal things for sure.

          "So class! Is anyone going to go watch the meteor shower tonight?" Mr. Kiyoteru perked up happily. Luka raised her hand. "I'm glad I'm not the only one." He chuckled. "I hope you and everyone else can see it. I heard the meteor show only happens once every 50 years." I smiled. "You gonna go out and see it tonight, (n/n)?" Kaito nudged my shoulder. "Not sure." I shrugged. "I have some catching up to do with some work." He sighed. "That's too bad. I was going to invite Mei, you and Len." I closed my work book putting it in my bag. "Its gonna be a no from me, Kai. Sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you another time." He chuckled. "Sont worry about it! But I'll probably guilt trip you on an ice cream from the concessions." He pressed his index finger to his mouth slyly. "Hehe." I rolled my eyes stifling a laugh. "Jokes on you. I brought my lunch from home today." I patted my bag placing it on my lap. He whined. "Aww. (n/n). No fair!" I opened my bag pulling out a small pastry from my bag. "This for now." He snagged it from my hands. "Thanks." His eyes sparkled with joy. Just then the bell rang.

          I lifted my lunch bag from my backpack hearing foot steps come towards me. I looked to up be greeted by a familiar blonde waiting for me. He smiled holding his bag with him. I swing my bag over my shoulder while pushing seat back in. My lunch still in hand we began walking up to the roof. The music room had been closed this week because of practice for the school's band. Which was pretty annoying to me and Len but we decided the outside would have been a nice option for now. We both walked up a few flights of stairs in silence and reached the top. We both flinched at the cold. We sat by the iron fencing leaning on it.

          "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" He crossed his legs looking down at his feet. "Oh yeah." I opened up my lunch box enjoying the sight of steak. "Are you upset with me?" I shook my head violent."No!" He let out a low chuckle. "Then why do you look like my baba?" Did he just insinuate I look like his grandma or an old hag..? I huffed. "I'm just tired I guess. I rubbed my face out of tiredness. "When are you not?" He moved laying his whole body on the floor. "You've got a point." I looked down at my lunch box halfing my steak to share with him. He crossed his arms and laid his head down on them. "Here." I handed him a fork which he reluctantly took. "Dont you ever get tired of sharing your lunch?" I smirked mischievously. "Yeah. Maybe I should stop." He started to eat but looked up at me with squinted eyes. "Hey.." I held my smirk as we ate. He playfully took my half. "You dont get this back till you apologize." I held my hands up. "I plead, little prince!" His face deadpanned. "Yeah this is mine now." I got close to his fork biting the piece. "Its over Len, I have the high ground." He smirked. "You underestimate my power." He let go of the steak piece with the fork. Due to gravity my half of the steak flopped down. "ACK!" I screamed catching the piece with my hand. mouth. He covered his smile. I stuffed it into my mouth. I averted my gaze in embarrassment and pressed my head against the iron fencing once more. "Are you sure you're okay, (Y/n)?" I nodded reluctantly. "Mhm." He gently patted my leg. "You gonna go out and see the meteor shower tonight?" I shook my head side to side. "Ah no.." He looked at me curiously. "How come?" I stuffed my hands in my skirt pockets. "I dunno." That was a lie. I just wanted to destress. "You want to go out to see them with me?" I looked up at the sky sighing. I didn't want to say no.. "Kai already asked me but I'm just not up for it." He sat up resting his body against the fencing. I felt our weight shift. "Same here. But I want to go with you." My gaze fixated "Why?" He pulled his knees closer to his chest. "Its more calm with you I guess. Plus Kai would probably be flirting with Mei the whole time." I chuckled. "Yeah, that's a no thanks from me." He motioned towards himself. "To me or Kai." "Kai obviously." He smiled. "So is that a yes?" I nodded. "It wouldn't hurt." He let out a small giggle causing his eyes to squint with joy. "Alright then. Same field as usual?"
He leaned foward to meet my eyes. "Yup." He pushed himself up from the ground. "Alright then. I'll pick you up!"
I gathered my lunchbox from the ground stuffing it into my bag. "My parents are gonna be working late today too so they wont mind." I raised a brow. "Its the weekend. I hope they dont." We both laughed picking up our bags making our way back to class for the next few minutes of lunch.


          I rested my body underneath my covers with the only light source in my room being my phone. I rolled my body around in my bed letting out a heavy sigh. I sat up looking at myself in the mirror. I fixed my (h/c) hair trying to get rid of my bed head. I looked down my red and black striped sweater being a little pleased with my appearance. I brushed the dust off my black leggings and slipped on a pair of Vans.

          "Atta girl!" I twirled around my room hyping myself back up. That's when I heard a knock on my window. Is that..? I raised my blinds opening up my windows. "Hey." Len rested his head on the window sill. This caused me to let out a small laugh. "Why are you..?" He smiled brightly. "As someone this reckless I know would say... Its more fun this way." I rolled my eyes smiling. "Alright move so I can get out." He did as told. I slid my body out of the window with my house keys in my pocket. "You ready?" I nodded as we began walking down the street.


          He rested his body down on the grass smiling. I sat down next to him holding my knees close to my chest. He pulled up his black hood covering his loose blonde locks. He then began outstreaching his arms. I looked up at the sky admiring the sparkling stars. They looked like pretty little jewels of the sky. I felt myself smile.

"Arent you gonna lay down, (Y/n)?" I rested my body down continuing gazing up at the sky. "Whens the meteor shower supposed to happen?" He grabbed his phone from his white hoodie's pocket. "Just a few more minutes..." He looked away to a nearby tree. "Hey.. (Y/n)?" I hummed softly. "Ah, yeah?" He found the courage to look at me. "Why have you been so upset lately?" Guess he would've figured it out sooner or later... I sighed heavily. "I guess I've just been stressed. But it's nothing too serious." He turned to his side facing me. "Is too. Ive never seen you this out of it." I shrugged. "Its just been a hard time I guess. But I'll probably bounce back after this weekend." He frowned moving closer towards me. "You sure..?" I smiled softly facing towards him "Of course.. I'll be fine.." He averted his gaze with pursed lips. I playfully blew a puff of towards his ear. He flinched. "Hey!" His cheeks grew red causing me to let out a low chuckle. "Calm down." His expression softened.

          I stared into his eyes attempting to calm him down. Its funny how in the light they're crystal but as we're shrouded in darkness they seemed to look a dark sapphire blue. Then something caught his gaze. He looked back up at the sky. This caused me to look up as well. There it was. The meteor shower. The sky had never looked more beautiful than here and now. Especially at night in the city. I looked over at Len to see him with closed eyes.

          I gently shook his body. "Len?" He opened his eyes. "Are you okay?" He nodded. "I'm just enjoying this.." I sat up looking at the sky. "Its so pretty.." I moved hair away from my face to get a better look. I spread out my legs across the grass putting my hands in the middle if them. I looked behind me to see Len staring at me from behind. His cheeks were dusted a rosy red with his eyes widened. "Are you sure you're okay?" He nodded lightly. "Yeah.." He sat up scooting foward moving closer towards me. He brought his knees foward to his chest. I smiled raising a brow. "Alright then." His head hovered over the dip of my shoulder. "You tired?" He agreed. "Mhm.." With my arms behind him I held his head and placed it in the dip of my shoulder. "That better, Len?" His head moved from under me still gazing up. "Thanks.." I swore he looked as red as a rose. Is he cold or...?

What's wrong with me? It's the middle of winter...


          We both parted ways at my house. We both seemed to have refreshed ourselves from the past stressful weeks after today. I'm glad we got to enjoy ourselves...
          I couldnt help but think back to earlier.. He couldn't have been embarassed. Or maybe something else. As my mind began to go all over the place I smothered the thought.

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