Chapter 7 "Childish"

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      I picked up my board and we walked towards the car avoiding eye contact with each other. I opened up the door and took my seat. I let my board rest at my feet. My dad looked as pale as a ghost. "So... When were you going to tell us." My words started to stutter. "W-What exactly..?" Len put both his hands in his lap trying to look more manly and respectable. "That you had more friends that were girls. If you wanted to hang out more you could have just said so." His voice quivered. Probably the joy from Len. "There, there." My mother patted his pack while driving the car. "The pulling of cheeks, the feminine form, the laughs. It's obvious." My father sounded like a theorist. I turned to Len to see his entire face redder than a strawberry and brows furrowed. "Is it true?" He looked at Len. He wasn't defending himself at all. Just looking like he was about to pass out. "Kagamine?" I shook him by the shoulders. "I'm a boy!" He was out of his trance. Embarrassed, he moved a lock of his hair behind his ear. I gasped and played along with my fathers assumption. "You were a boy all along?!?" I squished both my cheeks together. "Knock it off!" He huffed. We both ended up arguing on the way to my house. My father was in shock and my mother used to this by now. She usual drove the band to practice and performances so she was generally used to this bickering by now. Only because of Fukase, IA and Vflower. Once we got to the front of my house I could tell Len felt out of place. "Don't be shy." He nodded and walked behind me. I opened the door and took off my shoes. Len did too. I grabbed them and started walking to my room. I opened the door and flipped on the switch for my fairy lights. I threw my shoes and board to the side and crashed on a beanbag chair near my closet. Len just stood there at the doorway not knowing what to do. "You're gonna be here a while. Just chill." He reluctantly sat on my bed. My jaw dropped a bit. So bold. He looked around my room. Not really recognizing any of the bands or singers. "Queen." "You like Freddie Mercury?" I smirked and my eyebrows raised. "Queen is super cool right? What's your favorite song?" "My sister listened to them." He closed his eyes and rested his back against the wall. He realized he was still wearing my jacket. He took it off. "Catch." I caught it and sniffed it. He looked at me. "WEIRDO." His face turned red. "It's just to check if it stinks. Speaking of it. You reak." I pinched my nose tightly and smirked. "You try performing on stage!" I nodded. "I know. I know." I smiled. I opened up my closet and pulled out a clean t-shirt. It was a black and white MTV t-shirt. I grabbed a pair of black sweats with a white cassette logo on it. I tossed it at him. "The bathroom is on the right. Go shower." I tossed the clothes at him. "Towels are hanging there and they're clean. Just fold your current stuff and put it on my bed." He nodded and did as instructed. 

     I got up and sat down by my gaming chair. I booted up my PC and began to log into my LOL account. I heard a knock at the bathroom door. "(L/n), Your stupid sweats are too big on me!" I felt my face get red. Is my form really bigger than him? I felt a bit proud. "How much do you weigh?!" I felt my face get more red. "Not my fault you're a stick, Princey!" I teased. I looked around in my closet and found blue cardigan colored pajamas pants. They had strings to help them fit. I opened the door looking away and shoved them in there. I slammed the door closed. I turned off my computer with a sour taste in my mouth and crashed onto my beanbag shoving my face into a pillow. He came out. His hair undone wearing my clothes. They looked so loose on him. In a cute way. I hid my smile. 

      "Brush my hair." He said bluntly. He placed his folded clothes on my bed then sat it front of me. "Do you not know how to do it yourself.?" I asked with concern. "Kai usually does it for me.. I get too frustrated when I try to do it by myself anyways..." He sighed. "Alright little prince" He handed me my blue brush to help with my front bangs. I took his hair with my hands and lightly brushed through them. His hair was thin and soft. It didn't tangle easily from what I could tell. It was to his shoulders. "Turn around." I started to hum like my mom did when she brushed my hair. He turned around and faced me. I could feel myself blush and my heart start to race. He looked up at me with those shiny crystal blue eyes. His roundish pale face adorned with soft hues of a rose like pink. As I brushed his bangs I continued to look into his pool of blue eyes. Childish and defensive just like him.A thought came to mind... I never want to see this boy cry... Is this how Kaito feels? Is this why he's so protective of Len? "Turn around again." He did again as told. He handed me a ponytail band. I tied it loosely for comfort. "Done!" He nodded and got up. "Thanks.." I heard an unfamiliar ringtone and it came from Len's phone. He answered it. "Hey..." His voice turned soft. As if he was talking to Miku or Kaito. "Ah. Okay. I'll see you then. I'll send you the address." He hung up. I hope he can someday talk to me like that in the same comfort. "He'll be here in an hour." I yawned. "Okay." I covered my mouth and rested my head against my closet. I opened up my phone. "10:47?" Len sat down on the floor next to my bed. He rested his head on his knees and looked across the room and saw a bunch of photos strung up on the fairy lights. I looked for a tshirt and a pair of shorts in my closet. "I'm going to go clean up." I walked across the room to go shower.

      When I come out my hair is all messy and I'm really not caring anymore. All my hair is pushed back. I open the door and forget Len is there. I instantly pushed my messy locks down. He's looking at a photo on my desk. He didn't really pay attention to me. "(L/n)? Who are they?" He framed photo of my friends and I. I walked up to him. "That's Fukase!" I pointed at a male. He had curly bright red colored hair adorned with crimson eyes. He had pale skin and a white eyepatch covering his right eye. His frame short and skinny. I pointed at a female. "That's IA." Her hair was a nice shade of strawberry blonde. She had baby blue eyes that could soften any ones heart. "And her?" He pointed at a young girl with white hair with a purple streak in a ponytail held up with a  black scrunchie. "And then the dork piggyback riding Fukase?" "Hey!" My cheeks heated up just a bit. "That's me." I huffed. He raised a brow. "You look different." I chuckled. "No one can match my beauty." He examined my face looking at the strands of my hair that had fallen on my face.  He lightly brushed my hair back with his hands. This caused me to back away. He removed his hand from my hair. "It's rough..." He stated bluntly. "Kinda" I looked down trying to keep cool. "How long have you known them?" He hit the nail on the head. I nodded. "Eh... As old as time itself." I joked. "7 years believe it or not." He looked down. "Can you tell me about them?" I walked to my corner of the room were my beanbag was. I scooted over to make room for him. I patted down for him to sit. "I'm not 5, (L/n)
." He reluctantly did as told. "So I met IA and Vflower through Fukase. We went to pre school together and our group kind of hit it off from there. We even made music together.." He nodded as his eyes closed a bit. "Vflower? Weird name... Isnt her hair short?" I smiled a bit. "Oh well. Her real name is Vee Furawa. So it's kind of a way to tease her but also a cute nickname. And yeah her hair's short. The photo is pretty old too.." I thought about it. I felt something weight on my shoulder and heard a soft snore. I looked at the Prince of Gensou Airly. Admiring his childish demeanor. I sighed. "What am I going to do with you, little prince..?" I slowly got up but making sure I didn't let his head get hurt. I lifted him up with both my arms. It wasn't really a challenge. I laid him down on my bed and threw I blanket on him. He instinctively curled up in warmth. I grabbed an extra pillow from my bed and tossed it near my beanbag. I layed down on the spot I had made for myself, clutching my pillow. I left the lights on for his sake and slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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