Chapter 14 "Talk to Me"

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          A few weeks have passed since our last hangout. The only time we've hung out since then is just during lunch. Usually just hitting up the music room or chilling on the rooftop. Len said today was going to be different though. He said he was going to work on a song and that I could come along if I'd like. In his words I could. "Prove myself to be useful." I'm guessing he was talking about our adventure at the music store. With these thoughts flooding my mind I got up from my bed and ready for school. I let out a yawn. Didnt get that much sleep today...
The way was pretty boring until Fukase came around. We both joked on our route. Oddly, we didnt meet Gensou Airly this time around. I wonder where those boys are...

          "(N/n) is everything, alright?" Fukase gently touched my shoulder. "Hm? Oh yeah." I nodded frantically. "I just find it weird that we didnt run into the Gensou Airly boys today." He snickered and poked my cheek. "Are you worried about your new bestie." I averted my gaze. "Haha, laugh it up, clown." He childishly gasped. "You know my red hair is natural, you jerk." I smirked. "As payback for teasing me.. Carry me you fool!" I stopped walking along side him causing him to let out a loud hum. I reckless jumped on his back holding onto him. "(N/n), you nut!" I held him in a headlock jokingly. "No, (N/n)! We're gonna fall if you keep this up!" Besides listening to my red headed friend I continued my antics. Like he predicted we both ate the dirt. "I hate you.." I wiped the scuff from underneath my chin. "Love you too, baboo."


          Another quick visit to nurse Ann's office seemed due in time. It seemed like sooner or later I would become her regular patient if I kept this attitude up. Since Fukase and I arrived early we didnt miss class. In fact we made it into the classroom with 20 minutes to spare. Something I had learned about the boys over time is they all had their morning assigned schedules. Which none of them had seemed to be following. Instead of Mr. Kiyoteru's messy morning antics trying the get the lesson plan ready there was a neat stack of papers at his desk. Along with Len, Kai and Gack, the girls were also gone.. Weird..  I sat at my desk without a second thought. I missed Kai's presence. Not gonna lie. We've come closer over these few weeks. Bonding over sweets, music and theatre oddly. Turns out Kai is the biggest stan of BMC. Kai is a pretty cool guy. Gack and Mr. Kiyoteru are still complete mysteries to me. I audibly sighed and rested my head on my hand. I covered my mouth yawning. I looked at the door waiting for the boys to open the door in a ruckus. My expectations weren't met until 3 minutes before the late bell rang. The boys came bustling in as Gakupo and Len argued.

          "C'mon, Kagamine! You gotta get the choreography right. Unless we'll never get this down!" Gakupo looked frustrated as he pointed his index finger and poked the smaller boy's chest. Len's face contorted. His brows furrowed as he clenched his teeth. His cheeks growing red. "Its your fault! You keep bumping into me like some clumsy idiot!" Mr. Kiyoteru was about to interject until Kaito beat him to the punch. "Guys calm down... We still have another few months. It's not a big deal." He put his hands gently on both their shoulders. Kagamine's body was shaking with anger. "Screw this! I'm leaving!" He ran out of the door in a fit. Gakupo was about to reach out to him causing Mr. Kiyoteru to push his hand away. "Let him be.. I'll talk to the director and try to excuse his absence..." Kaito looked towards my direction tired out. He wore a frown which honestly didnt fit his face. I glanced at Kaito worriedly. He walked towards our desk and took his seat. "You okay, bud?" I awkwardly patted his back. He shook his head placed his hand on it. Mr. Kiyoteru just wrote the lesson plan on the board and rested his body on his desk. He really wasnt having it today. "We're just all
frustrated with this new song. Everyone's trying to pitch in... We're all just so upset. Especially Len." He buried his face in his hands. "He's been in a slump for a while and just really wanted to help out. And Gack is putting so much on his shoulders." His shoulders slumped. "He's the baby of the group, (N/n).. I feel like such a bad friend for not being able to help out." I looked at the clock. "Try checking on him during lunch." He squeaked. "No way!" His mood changed quickly. "Len is pretty scary when he's upset. And I doubt he wants to talk with anyone from the group." I rolled my eyes. Kai's probably over reacting. So much for our plans today...


          The lunch bell rung signaling everyone to leave and go off to go fight for the last yakisoba bread. In my case I brought lunch today. Making my plan easier. Len ended up skipping first and second period. I've never seen Kaito so antsy before. I'm not going to lie.. I found myself worrying about the blonde boy as well. That's why I decided I was going to go check up on him. The first place that came to mind was the music room. I walked up the stairs and went down the familiar hallway lunch box in hand. I opened the door slightly and peeked. I spotted the small boy sitting by the window head buried in knees.

          "Kagamine?" I whispered. He lifted up his head. "Great! What do you want!?!" He sneered.

          His blonde hair was tussled in a mess along with his clothes. His nose was red along with his cheeks. Underneath his eyes laid dark circles and pink coloring on the sides. Was he crying...? I wasnt gonna overstep my boundaries and just go. 'Yo dude! Are you alright? You look awful!' Rather than my informal approach of spilling my questions all at once I walked towards his frame and sat in front of him. I'll take it little by little.

          "You wanna talk to me about it..?" I titled my head. He shook his head. I opened up my lunch box. "You wanna eat?" The least I could do was offer comfort. He nodded. He started digging in with my extra spoon. It was just curry so nothing too fancy. I smiled a bit. "I heard from Kai." He looked away probably embarassed. "Its none of your buisness." I rolled my eyes. "That's what you always say." I covered my smile with my sleeve. He looked up at me, upset. "Its just frustrating, (L/n)." I nodded. "I get it.. I guess." He shrugged. "I've always sucked at choreo I guess.." I put down my spoon. "Dont take it all in at once, okay? Do something to calm you down and come back to it later." He purse his lips. "It needs to get done now, (L/n)!" He brushed his bangs away from his face and sighed. "Kai said it doesnt need to get done now. You shouldnt stress too hard about it... and if you need help I'll help you on weekends or after school with choreo!" I gave him the brightest smile I could. He rubbed his eyes with his sleeves. "Mm.. thanks." He got up and sat at the piano staring at the the keys. I guessing playing the piano calms him down then.. I got up and clean after ourselves. "Before you do anything else let's fix your messy mop of hair.

          I gently undid his hair and brushed it down with my fingers. I teased his bangs with my finger attempting to roll them up. Something I didnt notice the first time I brushed it was how long it was. I mean yeah there are guys with longer hair but there was something different about his..
I continued to set down his soft locks and began trying his hair into his regular ponytail. As I finished he seemed to grow less tense. I sat down by him and looked at his face.

          "What are you gonna play today?" He shrugged. "Any requests?" He raised a brow in my direction. I shook my head. "Whatever makes you happy." He bagan to play. "Fine..." He readied his hand against the keys as I let my hands rest in front of me.

          Something strange about his piano playing is how it never ceased to calm me down. He always played with a sense of gentleness and love. The way he pressed the keys and poised himself. The way his body moves along with the rhythms he's able to create is so.. indescribably beautiful. I felt my eyes begin to close from fatigue as he continued to play. Me being in such a mellow state and being tired isn't necessarily a good thing. I felt my head being pulled forward but something caught it. I assume Len could be the only culprit behind my head defying gravity. I felt my head being pulled towards a soft crevice. My head had fit perfectly there. It felt as if I had belonged there... The warmth spread across my body as a sweet smelling sensation filled my nose. Sweet like freshly baked banana bread.. I nuzzled my head into my newfound delight. I felt my head being gently supported. He was probably going to make a big deal about it later. At this point it didnt matter. I could no longer retain any form of conciousness. I fell asleep.


          My body tensed up after placing (Y/n)'s head on my shoulder. I could feel my entire body heat up as shyness crept upon me. Stupid.. (L/n)... Her body shifted in the crook of my neck. This is so embarrassing! I stopped playing and fixed my gaze towards her sleeping figure. Not the first time she's pulled something like this. I really want to wake her up but I dont want to be a jerk. I'll just give her an earful later.. I closed my eyes resting my head on top of hers. Payback! Although, I could have done without her taking advantage of my shoulder I appreciate her help calming me down..

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