Chapter 24 "Pretty Boy"

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"Hey pretty boy..."

          I felt my phone buzz in my pocket as I placed my Switch to the side. Take that Tom Nook! I unlocked my phone to be greeted by a text from Len.

Len 💛
read at 3:37

Hey. What's up?
read at 3:39

You wanna go downtown
today? They're putting up
lights everywhere. And I
wanted to go check them out.
read at 3:41

Alright. What time?
read at 3:41

I'll come pick you up
in an hour.
read at 3:43

          I huffed and placed my phone down. I looked off to the side where my switch laid. Can't I just marry Marshall and call it a day? I pushed myself up and began looking in my closet. I mean it's cold so.. I picked out a long sleeve sweater and baggy overcoat from my closet. I kneeled down and grabbed a pair of black jeans and tossed them on to my bed. I threw my body back on my bed. Now we wait...


          There I laid resting in my bed fully dressed to go out. Nothing else entertaining me except my phone. I heard a knock at my bedroom. I sat up with a brow raised. Dad? I yelled at the door.

          "Yeah, dad? What's up?" The door opened up to reveal the shorter man with dark colored (h/c) hair. "Kagamine is waiting for you outside the door. He said something about taking you out.?" He smiled a bit. "This is technically your first date y'know?" My cheeks grew hot as I held the hem of my long sleeve shirt open to let air in. "Ah.. no! Its nothing like that." He walked up to me and brushed through my hair with his hands. "Either way you should look nice, schtu-ball.." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah yeah. I'll be home at around 7." We both headed out into the living room. There he sat dressed all neatly. How cute.. "Hey Len!" He looked up at me with his eyes widening a bit. "Hehe.. Is there something wrong with how I'm dressed?" I teased. He shook his head. "No! You look great!" He sat up in a fuss. My dad just chuckled. "Okay. Enough of that. Just get here before eight." We both slipped on our shoes and left the house in a flustered rush.

          We both walked side by side making conversation with eachother. His parka shuffled making noise as we walked together. I looked up at the blue sky with my eyebrows furrowed.

          "Youd think its be warmer since the sky is so pretty." He just chuckled in reponse. "You're right. I heard it was gonna snow later today.." My eyes widened in shock. "You're kidding." He smirked. "You know.. You're really terrible with weather." I shrugged. "Yeah I guess.. It'll be the first snow though." He nodded. "So... Where do you wanna head to first when we get there?" I stuffed my hands in my coat pocket thinking. Not the music shop... I really dont want him to show off another Your Highness.. whatever preformace. "I dunno." He nudged me getting closer. "Why are you being all awkward?" He chuckled. "I am?" I raised a brow. Truth be told I have but nothing too much. "Ever since the break started you've been silent. So I was just worried about you... To be honest that's the reason I took you out today." I avoided starring at him and kept my eyes on the ground. "Its nothing to worry about." He sighed. "Rin didnt say anything.. Right?" I shook my head frivolously. "No! I've just been trying to recharge is all!" He hummed. "Is that so..?" My brows knitted together in frustration. I dont want to make it awkward between us. Sure I like him but it shouldnt affect our friendship.. "uhh.. How about we go to that bakery again! The one with the donuts!" I smiled softly. He nodded fixing his knitted blue sweater from underneath his parka. "I heard they've started making gingerbread cookies and ones decorated like snowflakes!" His eyes sparkled. "How cute!" I playfully bumped shoulders with him. "Let's get coco from the vending machine too. Its cheaper!" He looked up at me smiling. What's on his mind.. "We can even get holiday gifts for everyone while we're at it!" Hes right!

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