Extra☆ "Happy Birthday!"

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Hello lovelies! This extra chapter will be told from Len's point of view. I hope you enjoy this special 12th anniversary chapter. ꉂ (′̤ॢ∀ ू‵̤๑))ˉ̞̭♡
-MoonCity ~☆
          I lay sprawled out on my bed and bored out of my mind. A slice of strawberry cake laying the dresser next to me. I rolled to my side deciding to check my phone. The light contrasting from my dark room. I hear a knock on my window already knowing the culprit. I grabbed a dirty sweatshirt from the floor and pulled it over my body. I made my way to my large dresser and sprayed whatever was there onto me.

          I walked towards the direction of my window only for an adorably idiotic girl to come tumbling in. She fell straight on her face. "What are you doing here?!" I crossed my arms trying to suppress my smile from the earlier event. "Give me a break. I'm still getting used to sneaking in." She chuckled. I lent her my hand despite it being quite the task. She brushed herself off. "My question still stands! And you didnt have to sneak around.. my dad isnt here anyways." She simply shrugged. "First of all, I heard from Kai it was a special someone's birthday, and second of all it's just more fun to sneak in." I hid my smile behind my sleeve. I definitely owe Kai a favor.. "Make yourself at home I guess.." She threw herself on my bed. "Dude! The size of this thing never ceases to amaze me." She stretched out her body across the sheets. I could feel my face turn red. I turned on the light to my room in an attempt to distract myself. "So why are you spending your birthday all alone?" She moved her head in my direction. "Dad's working and Rin's out with mom.. So the usual." My head faced down. It's not like I feel disappointed or anything. I should feel used to this by now, right? "Come over here!" She motioned to me like a child. Of course I let out a laugh. She smiled at me seeming to like the fact I'm happy.

          I made my way to her and sat on my bed grasping the yellow sheets beneath me. Her eyes drifted toward the slice of strawberry cake. "Woah!" I could practically see her eyes sparkling. "You can eat it if you want I'm honestly not that hungry. Also think of all those calories." She looked at me and sat up. "Kagamine you're literally a walking stick." I felt hot from embarrassment. "And look like an ugly yokai." I lifted my arms up posing playfully. She raised a brow. "But seriously, little prince. You should eat it." She lifted up the plate humming and cut it. You could see it bounce from how spongy it was. This girl is a temptress! "Ahhh." She lifted up the piece with her fork. I pushed it away as I felt that familiar feeling of hotness come back. She poked my lips with the fork with a goal. I gulped and reluctantly opened my mouth. I shyly spoke up. "ahhh." She stuffed the piece in my mouth and smiled. "Not so bad?" The cake was better than imagined. The cake was airy and soft and you could feel the whipped cream melt on your tounge. I nodded not regretting that moment. She ate a small piece as well. The embarrassment began to go away as we ate the sweet. I began to feel all sorts of emotions I hadn't felt in a long time. A strong sense of melancholy came over me as we continued to eat. She soon snapped me out of my senses. "Ah! I just remembered I brought you something too!" She pulled out a small box from her bag. "Nothing too much. Just something I thought you could put to good use." I smiled softly and opened the box. A pair of orange sapphire studs.

          "I noticed outside of school that you like wearing earings so your holes dont close. So I bought a pair of dark pasparacha earings when we went out with Kai and the rest of Gensou Airly.." She looked away with embarrassment. I bit my lip and looked away afraid of the tears wanting to spill from my eyes. "Hey? Can you put them on for me?" I managed to croak out. "Already?!" You could already hear the happiness in her voice. I nodded causing my messy bangs to fall in front of my eyes. She gingerly placed them in on both ears. I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve. She pulled out her phone. "Wanna see?" "Um yeah." I looked at my reflection pushing my hair away from my face. Revealing my puffy eyes. The earrings were honestly perfect. I could never say that to her face before turning into a mess. "I'm glad you like them." She grinned.

          "Hey um.. (L/n)?" She let out a small hum. "Huh? Yeah?" I wrapped my arms around her tightly causing her to freeze up. "Ah! Kagamine!" She began to panic for a momemt, but she hugged me back tighter causing us to fumble with us still on the bed. I could feel her weight shift on top of me. I could feel my best friend embarrassment creeping up on me. My heartbeat began pounding like a drum. I'm surprised she couldn't hear it. "If you tell anyone about this I'm never talking to you again." My voice muffled into her shoulder. "I know. Just let me enjoy this." She snuggled her head into my sweatshirt. "Is that perfume I smell" I immediately let go of the hug and pushed her away. Her jaw dropped. "Kagamine! I dont mind! It's okay if a guy wants to smell like rosewater and jasmine!" She cried out. I rolled my eyes walking away to grab a book from the shelf.

          The rest of my birthday continued on like this. With a few friends stopped by but with (L/n) spending the time alone with me. Even when she has her moments I can appreciate her reckless idiocy. This is what friends do, right? I think of her as a friend, right? Despite these questions I constantly ask myself I adore her...
"That's a normal thought to have about a friend, right?"

Hahaha. Super cute ending right? I need to mention these side stories are canon. They just take place in certain points of the story. (^^;) I'll now add little markers (ex: beginning, midway and afterwards)
Like the marquee above this note. We must remember this is a slow burn romance story. 💕💕
-MoonCity ~☆

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