Chapter 15 "With Friends Like Ours"

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          The weekend had arrived again along with the beginning of sweater weather. Instead of enjoying the cool air inside here I am in a fluffy light pink sweater regretting some of my past actions this week. Whether it was falling asleep on Kagamine's shoulder or telling Kai about the incident. On the bright side it didnt seem like Kagamine was too upset. In the end he thanked me for helping in his own awkward way. He's also been a lot kinder lately. I smiled and curled up in my bed looking at my phone. I browsed at all the social media posts not wanting to get up. Who would want to? I placed my phone down deciding to finally get up and get clean. I walked to the bathroom with my phone in hand and placed it on the counter by me. I began washing my face and decided to treat myself to,a charcoal nose strip. I gazed in the mirror to see my messy hair and black strip across my nose. A really big expectations versus reality moment. I posed in the mirror trying to regain confidence. I felt my phone buzz from the counter. It was a face time call from Kai. By now I was moderately comfortable with him seeing how messy I am. Then again theres no surprise there. I tapped my screen answering the face time call.

          "Hey Kai. What's up?" I looked down at him making a silly face. He busted out laughing. "Len is here with me. Say hi." He turned the camera towards Len. "Hi, (L/n)." He rolled his eyes. I waved from the camera. "Hey, Kagamine!" Kaito let out a laugh from the other side after seeing Kagamine's quick mood change. "Anyways.. I wanted to know if you wanna hang out with us and girls later? At the downtown shopping district." I smiled. "Sure. What time?" He squinted his eyes. "Ah.. Um.. How about 3:45 ish..?" I chuckled. "Let's be honest. You're tryna get extra time so you can look good for Mei, right?" His face grew red. "Enough of that. Bye, (L/n)." I waved at him through the camera.  I still had a few hours to spare anyways.


          I looked down at my phone fixing my gaze away from my bright computer screen. My phone read 1:23. I decided I should just get an outfit ready instead of taking 30 minutes worrying about my clothes. Better to keep a calm mind.. I squinted my eyes and guiding my way down the side of my room. I felt around the room for my light switch and hit it. My eyes getting used the the light surrounding me. I looked at my dresser across the room looking for something nice to wear. I pulled out a short sleeved button up and light blue overall shorts. That should work for today. I shrugged and rested on my bed closing my eyes. All sorts of things plaguing my mind.

          How's Kagamine doing? Hes hanging out with Kai so he must be doing a bit better.. That's day when we walked home he was quieter than usual. Not out of embarrassment or anger towards me, surprisingly. He had just seemed worried. Poor guy. I wouldn't put it past him. I'm not sure how the other guys deal with him like that...

          I stretched out my arms and pushed myself from my bed. I went to the restroom deciding to apply a bit of makeup. Nothing too much. Maybe just mascara and some lip tint. They are my friends after all. They've seen my beautiful baby face. I laughed at my self patting my cheeks in the mirror. I curled my eyelashes and applied a light mascara. Looking towards the cabinet I saw my options and picked something that best fit my skin tone. I fixed my hair up a bit making it look nice. I huffed and went to grab my clothes.


          The jingle from the metal of my platforms could be heard each time I took a step foward. The cool air beginning to pick up and blow my hair into a mess. If only I had left five minutes earlier maybe I could've missed the wind. I began to regret my earlier decision of not bringing a sweater. I audibly sighed and looked down at my phone. The screen reading, 3 minutes away. I looked back up to see the crossing sign light up green. My lucky color, today! As I got closer and closer I spot the familiar district. In the middle was a group of familiar faces.

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