Chapter 5 "Girls?"

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          I opened the unlocked the door, placed my backpack down and started to slip off my shoes. "I'm home." I began wiggling my foot around to take them off. "Welcome home." A man with (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair. I saw an ahoge popped from behind a doorway. "Hey (n/n) how was school?" He spoke once again. "Huh. Didn't think you'd actually be home... How come you're in your suit, Pops?" He stretched out it arms. "Got home about 5 minutes ago so still getting settled in. Mom will be home in a second. She's working in some overtime. Mr. Yamataka's orders." I nodded. "Glad you're home though.. School was okay. Made some friends and jazz like that. Might be heading out to a concert tonight." He raised a brow. "No homework, and whose driving." "No homework and I'm taking my board." I threw finger guns. I walked into our tiny kitchen. "Katsudon or chicken stir fry?" He crashed on our green sofa. "Whatever the boss says." I was thinking about my mom for a quick second. "Stir fry with soy sauce on the side." I smiled. I opened up the fridge and grabbed a chicken, some veggies and put them to the side. I opened a cabinet from the side and grabbed a bag of white rice. I began to boil it and started to chop the chicken and veggies. Before I knew it the stir fry was as good as done. "Smells amazing." I heard from across the room. I started to set the table with plates and placed the pot of stir fry in the middle. I grabbed the soy sauce from the counter and placed it to the side. "All ready. Now we must wait." I walked into the living room and passed out on the side couch...

          I turned on my phone and checked the time. "Ah 4:10. I'm gonna go get ready pops." He nodded. "Alright." I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. I got up and walked into the hallway. I walked and stopped by the door to the left. The turned the knob and entered my room. The (f/c) walls covered in band and video game posters. I turned to a switch and flipped it on. The next thing I knew the fairy lights that surround the posters turned on. "I should get clothes.. What should I wear?" I got my phone again and I turned on my phone and opened up messaging. I walked to my gaming set up an sat on my chair. I started a new chat and texted both Len and Kaito separately. 'What should I wear?' I twirled my hair with my finger awaiting a response. I stared taking off my piercings and laid them on my desk. I had little red heart earrings. My phone buzzed in my hand. I saw the contact name. 'Cool Guy Kai💙' I frowned a bit. I hope I wasn't bothering Him or Len too much.... 'However you want really. It's just a concert, (y/n) :0 .' I smiled. I stood up and walked to my closet. I pulled out a yellow baggy shirt and black jeans. I wrapped a leather black belt around my waist  I tucked in the shirt to give off a punkish vibe. "Comfy..." I grabbed a (f/c) flannel patterned sweater. My phone buzzed again. I looked down where my uniform skirt laid. I kneeled down and took back my phone. 'Don't dress like a punk.' I chuckled to myself. "The boy knows." I texted him back. 'I'll think about it >:' I smiled to myself. I decided to slip on black combat boots. I walked to the right side of my room to open the bathroom door. I went into the restroom and flipped on the switch. 

            I grabbed my hair brush trying to brush through my hair. I turned the faucet and wet my brush. I continued to brush my hair. When I finished it looked about the same. I groaned. "Aw man..." I walked out of the restroom, flipped off the switch and closed the door. "Jeez.." I sighed. Then I heard a knock at my door. "It's mom. I'm home. Are you ready to eat?" "Coming out!" I opened my door to see my moms business attire. "Hi mom." I waved. "Why are you dressed up?" I looked down at myself. "Oh it too much? I'm going to a concert." I fixed my sweater. "No it's looks great. Who are you trying to impress." My face heated up. Who was I trying to impress? "Somebody obviously." She smirked. I pulled at my own cheeks. She started walking towards the table. I followed as expected. We made our way to the table where my dad was seated. We began to eat and talk. I like moments like these..


          I smiled as I pushed myself on my board. The wind on my face felt amazing. Dinner went great. They asked about friends and things like that. I didn't bother telling them about the Gensou Airly fandom or fame. I just told them I met three nice young men. Len is a different story. Didn't tell them much about him either. All I said that I met a hotheaded boy with blond hair. I found myself smiling at my description.  I ended up cleaning the stain off his sweater. I shoved it into the drier before I left. I continued to drift along the pavement. Not smooth and skilled. A few tumbles spooked me. I saw a venue in the distance. A small local place where well known groups played often. I started to speed myself up. I stopped myself and board. Oh shoot.. I didn't think this through. You can't just chain a longboard as if it were a bike. It's not like I could call the boys and just ask if they can hold onto it for me. 'What am I gonna do?' The next thing I know I spot a woman with short brown hair, a girl with pink long hair and a girl with two green pigtails. The brown haired girl wore a black turtle neck accompannied by bright red jeans. The gentle pink girl wore a floral patterned dress. And the girl with green pigtails wore a white and black dress with black knee high stockings. I skate up to them but my fear started to kick in.

          "Excuse me. I'm sorry to bother. It's just that I skated here and I have no where to put it." I looked up at them and awkwardly laughed. The green haired girl Len had spoken to earlier in the day looked at me in disgust. "I didnt mean to bother!" "Darling don't worry about it. You're probably thinking about that board of yours right?" The girl with short brown hair spoke. "There's no problem. We drove here. We can keep it in the back." The girl with pink hair smiled. "Thank you so much... I really appreciate it. Made her myself." "Her?" Pigtails inquired. "Oh. I'm talking about my board!" I flipped her over. She had sunflower patterns and mismatched green and yellow wheels. They all shared a small laugh. "She's quite beautiful." The girl with Pink hair was so gentle with her words. "Jeez I don't even know your names.. You're all so sweet." I grinned with my cheeks warming up. "I'm Meiko, the sweet girl is Luka, and the twin tailed idol is Miku. And yours?" I scratched my neck. "Oh it's (y/n), but my friends call me (n/n). (N/n) is fine." "Well (n/n) we have no problems with holding onto your board for you." Meiko gently grabbed my board and walked to put it away in her car. "You're all very nice. Sorry for not knowing your names!" The girl with green pigtails smiled a bit. "You're a bit rough around the edges but I like your spunk. Pleased to meet you..." That was nice to hear. "Who are you a fan of in Gensou Airly?" I stopped. "Well. I met the boys today. Never really heard of the group till now, but they're all really sweet." I was a bit irked at myself for saying 'they're all.' "Who catches your fancy?" I shook my head a bit. "Well I like Kaito's personality. He's very sweet... But looks wise... Probably.." Meiko came up to us. I thought a bit hard. Which one was the most pleasing to the eye. "Well Len. I guess. He's pretty cute. That fits my agenda with most boys. Then again until you get to know him. That's where the deal is off." I giggled like a school girl. Meiko sweat dropped. "Well isn't that so."

       She looked down a Miku. "Seems you have a rival." I let out a laugh and joked. "No not at all! Never in a million years!" Miku laughed. "No it's okay. I'm pretty sure he would say the same." What was that supposed to mean?? I smiled back at her half heartedly. "Onward lusty gentlewomen!" Meiko broke the ice. "Since when is this Shakespeare?" Luka laughed. "Since Mr. Kiyoteru gave us a heads up after school." Miku spoke. We walked into the venue. These girls walked into the front of the crowd as if it was nothing. "Isn't this a bit... Bold?" I raised a brow. "Oh we didn't mention did we?" I looked up at Meiko. "We perform with Gensou Airly. Luka is Gakupo's partner, I'm Kaito's and Miku is well..." You get the gist. She elbowed Miku teasing her. "Oh." WHY IS EVERYONE MISSING OUT ON IMPORTANT DETAILS TODAY? The internal struggle is killing me. "Except we don't perform with them today. We're just here to support." Some strange part of me felt relieved. Don't know why though. "Ah same here. Not the performing part though. Would be nice to have the thrill of that. I haven't performed in 2 years." Luka tilted her head in confusion. "Oh, um. I used to be in a band. We had a few small hits. "Heart Shaped Sunglasses" and "Smells Like His Cherry Lip Balm." We called ourselves 'Enigma." I half heartedly laughed. "Haven't heard of them." Miku shrugged. "I moved to Japan in 8th grade, so it makes sense. We played a lot in Korea." Luka smiled. "Very interesting.." "Sh.. The show is about to start." Meiko was hushing us. The lights began to turn on as four boys started appearing on stage. Gensou Airly.

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