Chapter 8 "Hit with Knowledge"

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      I woke up in darkness. I felt warmth envelope my body. My arms wrapped around what I assumed was my pillow. An unfamiliar scent hit me. The smell of bananas and sweets. Nevertheless I nuzzled my face into my assumed pillow. My dad must of put me in my bed. Is Len gone? It doesn't matter. I just felt comfortable. I never want this warmth, no, this feeling of being safe.. to go away. I felt movement from what I thought was myself. Then my eyes closed shut as I fell asleep once more.

      I heard a familiar alarm go off. 'Energetic by Wanna One' I felt warmth hit my body. I yawned audibly. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Mhm.." I looked around and found a note on my bed post. 'Thank you for yesterday... and You should stop being so clingy. And don't forget my cardigan!" I huffed. "What does he mean by clingy?" I raised a brow reading the note. I rolled my eyes and got up. I threw my clothes off to the side and began to dress myself. I tucked in my white button up dress shirt into black skirt, loosely tied my tie and put on a team letterman jacket. I styled my hair the usual way. I walked to my desk and put on one ear piercing and one earring. I wasn't feeling the extra effort today. I grabbed my phone and slipped it in my skirt pocket. I pulled on my black knee highs with two white stripes and opened my room door. I walked down the hallway to the laundry room. I picked up Len's cardigan and tied it around my waist. I made my way to the kitchen to see There was a plate with an egg and a strawberry toaster strudel. I scarfed down the egg and left the toaster strudel for later. I made my way to the fridge and grabbed a small apple juice bottle. I grabbed the toaster strudel and sped to the front door. I slipped on a pair of black high top vans. I took my house keys and locked the door. I began walking up the street to school. "I should cut my hair..." It was at that awkward length where it was below your shoulders. I stuck the toaster strudel in my mouth. I walked a bit faster while eating not really wanting anyone to see me. I started making my way into the rich people neighborhood. Wonder if this is where the boys live? "Oi (l/n)!" I looked behind me toaster strudel still in mouth. I saw the Gensou Airly boys. Last time I was eating Len called me a chipmunk! Remembering that I shove the rest of it in my mouth. A penny for your thoughts (y/n). Choking on my toaster strudel; embarrassed I covered my mouth with my hand. Kaito ran up to me. "Hey (y/n)! Are you okay...?" I was coughing trying to regain composure. The rest of the boys caught up with us. "What's up with her?" Gackupo asked. "Nothing, I just was surprised." Mr. Kiyoteru let out a chuckle. My own teacher laughing at me. That is how you know your life is sad. I sighed. Len seemed to be ignoring me. Today he wore his regular uniform but with a yellow scarf and obviously missing the cardigan that I had currently wrapped around my waist. I quickly unwrapped it and held it out. "Oh, Kagamine. Here's your-" he swiftly took it from my hands without a word. "Umm okay??" I thought we had a moment last night. With opening up and everything. My brows furrowed a bit. "I should get going.." I scratched the back of my neck and smiled. "Why not walk with us?" Kaito smiled softly. "I'm alright. I'm the queen herself, (y/n) (l/n)" I put my hands on my hips in a joking manner. I looked at Len and he seemed anxious. He was blushing an awful lot. Who got him all flustered?

      "(N/N)!" I was again interrupted. I looked behind us to see Fukase. He tripped causing all his things to fly everywhere. "Fukase. ACK-" I was immediately hit with a book to the face. "Ooh that's gotta sting-" Kaito flinched. "Ah I'm sorry. (N/n) are you okay?!?" Fukase trailed off into a mess. I held my head and looked into my palm. Great I'm bleeding... It just had to be a hardcover. Before I could grab the book Len was in front of me face redder than ever. He pushed it into my arms. 'English Basics.' "H-Here.." He stuttered. I raised a brow at Len. "Ms. (L/n). Please make your way to the infirmary as soon as we get to school." Mr. Kiyoteru was shaking as if books were gonna start falling from the sky. His face was pale. I laughed a bit. "I think I'll be fine. Plus someone will have to fill me in." "Please just get ice." I agreed after his plead.

      I had my indoor shoes as Len suggested the day before and lazed my way to the infirmary which Len had apparently insisted on going with me. In reality Kaito pushed him to guide me there. I sat down on a bed and swung my long legs. "Kagamine-san. Please looks after Ms. (L/n) while I go get the ice from the lunchroom. It shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes." A woman with curly blonde hair in an updo. She had ocean blue eyes and a white complexion. He had a visible scar on her neck like Frankenstein. She looked like a mom. "Yes Ms. Ann.." He sighed. She had left the infirmary. "You're stupid." I looked up. "Huh?" "You're reckless!" Len was looking down fiddling with the sleeves of his clean cardigan. "Kagamine are you crying?!" My eyes widened a bit. "No!" He looked up with his cheeks a flaming cherry red. "You slept on the floor last night! And left the lights on. Just for my sake! Do you know how heavy your are, (L/n)!?!" "I.." My cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "I had to lift you back up and build a giant wall of pillows between us and then you turned me into your human pillow." Then a reality of things hit me. That sweet smelling pillow wasn't a pillow... I held my cheeks. "IM SORRY!" I yelled. It felt like steam was fuming out of me. Len seemed to have calmed down getting that off his chest. I was absolutely flabbergasted. "I'm sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you." I ran up to him. "Calm down. You look like a strawberry!" He scowled. "You don't owe me anything." He crossed his arms bashfuly. "Oh thanks goodness... I thought I was going to live a life of service to the Gensou Airly prince." I let out a sigh of relief. I sat by him and crossed my legs lazily. "Here." We faced each other and he pulled out a cute colored plaster with bunnies on it. He stuck it on my forehead. "Does it look that bad?" I raised a brow and half smiled. He nodded "Umm... My mom used to do this and I always ended up feeling better. So if you don't mind..." He hummed a small song and proceeded to rubbed circles around my cut. I then felt a heart being gently traced over it. My mind went blank. I was in bliss. This feeling throughout me. Len is kind of like the sun. A comforting and never ending warmth. "(L/n)." I came back to earth. He childishly pulled at my sleeves. "Sup?" I averted my gaze. "This isn't a school jacket." He stated blunty. I deadpanned "Live on the edge, Kagamine." I crossed my arms. He rolled his eyes. "Ohh what a rebel. I bet you stay up past 9pm." He joked. "Do my ear deceive me or did I hear you make a joke! To I, a lowly student of Gensou Airly?" I heard him let out a small puff of air from his lips. He covered his mouth suppressing a smile. "Oh Whatever..." He let out a small laugh. "Seems like you two are getting along." Ms. Ann came in with an ice pack. "Before I put the ice I need check your eyes Ms. (L/n)?" I sighed a bit and instinctively push my body away from both of them. "Do we have too?" I pulled at both my sleeves. "We just need to check for a concussion darling.." I nodded and huffed. "Hey Kagamine?" He turned his head towards me. "Yeah?" "If you want you can head to class now. Just let Mr. Kiyoteru know Ill be there in a sec." I smiled. He raised a brow and nodded. "Whatever, (L/n)." He exited the infirmary. She gently pushed any strands of hair from my face. She turned on a flashlight checking the dilation of my eyes. She smiled while doing so. I was a bothered by this but I shrugged it off. "(E/c) is a beautiful color Ms. (L/n)." "Thanks..." I said sarcastically. She let out a small chuckle. "You can get to class now. Oh, and can you let Oliver know that his lunch is my office. That boy is so forgetful." I moved my hair back into place, nodded and departed.

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