Extra☆"Holiday Special"

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          A soft sigh escaped his pink lips causing me to look across to him. I slowly lifted my head from my desk which I had been resting on. His pale complexion was dusted in a rose red color as he hid his face behind his winter's scarf. His eyes admiring the outside looking off into the distance longingly. "Is there something wrong, Len?" His trance broke as my question slipped out. "I just.. Dont like the winter?" He responded unsure. "How come?" He shrugged in response. "The cold and allergies I guess..." I smiled. "We're polar opposites." He tilted his head. "How so, (Y/n)?" I stretched out my arms and yawned. "I mean.. The winter ensues a lot of things. Yummy sweets, an excuse for sweaters, spending time with family and lovers alike, the music, and best of all winters break!" He rolled his eyes. "After today it starts... But what's so great about winter's break?" I gently caressed his rosy red cheeks with my hands. He furrowed his brows but he couldnt hide the fact he was utterly melting underneath my touch. "(Y/n)..." I laughed. "What's so great about winter break? Well.. you get to spend more time with me of course.." His cheeks color darkened. I removed my hands from them so he wouldn't get too flustered. He looked at them longingly. "Can I come to your house after school..?" He looked away looking redder than Rudolph's nose. I nodded. "Of course." I tenderly grabbed his hand and held it. "Cut it out!" I laughed at him causing him to grow annoyed quickly.


          We both walked along side eachother hand in hand. The snowflakes that fell in his soft blonde hair stuck out the most. I smiled happily to myself on the way home.

          As soon as I opened the door the warm air settled on us. Len walked inside after me and threw his body on the couch. I turned on the TV letting whatever was on play. I sat next to him putting a blanket on both of us. "I'm still cold." He sneezed. I grabbed another blanket and threw it over us. He looked so cute all bundled up. I smiled and kissed the corner of his lip. His hair messy and undone and his lips curved into a soft smile. I kissed him ever so gently. He placed his hands onto my face gingerly melting into it. I broke the kiss looking down at him. His soft smile remained. He wrapped his arms around me and chuckled. We both enjoyed the warmth that enveloped around us. We cuddled up together and the background noise of the TV putting us at peace. I think Len is beginning to grow fonder of the winter break.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, my lovelies!! ❤❤
-MoonCity ~☆

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