Chapter 27 "Playdate"

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          I groaned aloud my head resting onto my desk. "I'm so tired-" Kaito pulling at your cheek teasing you. "When are you not tired, (Y/n)." Groaning aloud once more. "Weekends!" Stuffing my face into the sleeves of my sweater Len pulled up a chair. "(Y/n)! Wake up~!" Len shook the desk from underneath me playfully. "You'll sleep through lunch all like this." Lifting my head up rubbing my eyes. "Len.. Just five more minutes..." I quietly yawned. He placed his arm on my desk resting his head on it. "Then I'll rest with you. Then we'll both have an equal start!" He chuckled. Kai hummed with curiosity. "Equal start?" Len nodding frivolously. "(Y/n) promised shed sing with me today." Kaito gasped. "That's an occasion!" I shook my head resting on the cold desk using Len's arm as support. "Mhm.. Now let me sleep.." Footsteps approached our table as my ears perked up. "What's with all the ruckus?" Miku teased. Kaito chuckling softy responded. "(Y/n)'s gonna sing with Len today." Disappointment in her voice. "Oh really..? Since when were you two that comfortable with eachother?" I could basically see Kaito's expression with his tone of voice. "Meeks.. They're kinda sleeping right next to eachother right now." Len already enjoying himself nuzzling his head closer to mine. He's such a quick sleeper! "Lenny?"

          While Miku attempting to wake the sleeping prince I felt Kaito brushed her arm away. Kaito's really rooting for me and Len, huh.. I moved a bit getting closer to Len. Warm..

          "Let them sleep for now. We've got another good 30 minutes before lunch breaks." Kaito easing the situation for all of us. "Len just wanted to be there early but I've got a feeling he's gonna sleep longer than intended." Covering up his mischievous laughter Kaito gaurded both of us.

          Feeling my heart pound out of chest conflicting with the calm aura.


          I opened up my eyes rubbing them only  muttering out his name. "Len?"

          The warmth I had previously felt was just.. gone. I raised my head to see Kai browsing on his phone until realizing I was awake.

          "Huh, (Y/n)? You're up?" I nodded as he covered his small laugh. "You were passed out for a good 10 minutes. Len figured you get a little bit more rest." I smiled messing with the sleeves of my cardigan. Kaito pushed me a bit teasingly. "You're not the type to get easily flustered, (Y/n). Or are you all mellowed out after your nap?" I figured he must be right. I'm never usually this flustered. "Probably." He smiled. "Well Len and Miku went ahead of us. We should probably go on too, right?" Sitting up and pushing in my chair I nodded.

          We both walked side by side as I again began to nervously pick at the sleeves of my sweater. Len has never heard me sing before. Singing alone makes me nervous but singing with Len..? That's a different story. Len is pretty comforting for the most part. Unless he's close or we get all romantic like that time in the music room...

          As me and Kaito headed up the stairs we heard screaming in the music room. We looked at eachother both confused. Were Len and Miku fighting..?  As soon as we opened the door Len shouted.


          Instinctively covering his mouth he squeaked. His cheeks turning rosy red as his eyes made their way towards me and Kaito. He's in love with..? Miku furrowed her brows angrily.

          "She doesnt love you!" Pointing at me and directing all her anger towards me. "Len if you've ever heard what she's said about you I bet your feelings would change in an instant!" I raised my voice a bit. "What are you talking about, Meeks?" Her fist balled up. "Like you dont know.. You said Len was the last person youd ever date. You constantly denied your feelings time after time in front of me, Meiko and Luka. You think Len deserves that?" The color of his face drained. "(N/n)..?" He pulled at his sweater. "You've never said those things right..?" I have but they were before I understood. "Len I-" Kaito put his hands on my shoulders cutting me off. "Len. (Y/n) would never try to hurt you on purpose like that. Right (Y/n)?"

          Avoiding my confession Kaito smiling softly. He knew it was my place to tell Len how I felt.. I cant exactly lie to Len. If I did that would be a rocky start to a relationship. But it depends if he's willing to listen to me.

          "Len I.." I but my lower lip. "I did say those things but-" Miku cut me off quickly. "See?" Len just scowled looking down. Kaito looking at me questioningly. "Len just listen for a second-" His head shot up as soon as he heard my voice. "Shut up!"

          That's when it happened. I could tell.. At that exact moment Len began building up his walls. My felt something drop to the pit of my stomach as Len opened his mouth once more.

          "You think you have any right to talk to right now? You-" Kaito quickly shut him down. "Len! Let (Y/n) explain-" He clicked his tounge. "You should have known! You were the one who told me it was okay, Kai! I trusted you!" Kaito squinted his eyes angrily. "Just let her talk, Len!"

          Len's face grew red as his eyes shut closed. Before anybody could say anything else he walked out of the music room covering his eyes with his arm.

          "Len! Wait!" Before I could run off after him Kaito grabbed for my shoulder. "Let him cool off right now, (Y/n). I think he needs some space.." Miku turned her head towards us seeming to regret her current actions. "... Do you think Len will be alright?" Kaito turned on his heel ignoring her. "Come on, (Y/n).." I kept my eyes glued onto her. "I'll stay behind.."

          Miku rubbed her eyes with her grey cardigan mumbling out to herself. To Len. To sum up how I felt.. I felt angry, confused, jealous, and really sad. Shes still my friend at the end of the day. She loves Len. In a way I'll never be able to comprehend. Shes known him longer and has stayed at his side..

          "Meeks.. Why?" She sniffed continuing to rub her eyes. "Its not fair... That's why... I love him as much as you do, (Y/n).. So why did he chose you?" I turned away feeling guilty. "I know..."

          We just stood there for the rest of lunch.. Talking things through..


          Walking home I spotted that usual fork.  Between the well off neighborhood and then mine.. I froze. I need to see Len.

          Walking along the familiar rode I had my destination in mind. Just hoping that he'd be willing to talk things out.
Getting closer to the house I instantly noticed Mr. Kagamine on front of the house. Shivers ran down my spine. The anxiety soon subsided.

          Mr. Kagamine sat there in front of his house watering flowers. His sleeves rolled up above his elbows and a smile complacent on his face.

          I walked up closer kindly trying greet him. "Ah, Mr. Kagamine..?" He turned around. "Ms.. (L/n) wasnt it? What's your buisness here?" I rubbed my neck nervously. "Is Len home?" Quickly turning away he swiftly responded. "No. Hes at his mother's." He continued to water the flowers. Absolutely enamoured I smiled. "They're beautiful, sir." He rolled his eyes. "Thank you but isnt your buisness done here?" I crouched down next to him. "I guess so. But I have something to confess I guess." He raised a brow avoiding my glance. "Before you say anything else you're well aware how I feel about my son speaking with you.. What are you intention, Ms. (L/n)?" He hit the nail on the head. Looking down at the flower wistfully I sighed. "Truhfully.. I'm in love with your son." He set his head facing me his mouth agape. "Pardon?" I chuckled. Hes just about as awkward as Len. "Yeah.. And I'm just really worried about him is all." Fixing his tie. "Tell me about my son, (L/n)." I looked up trying to think of the right words. "Well.. He can be a bit too much sometimes but he's really kind, talented, understanding. Most of the time anyways." He ran his hands through his hair. "Is that so..?" I nodded. "Tell him that the next time you see him. If hes at his mother's house he must be upset."
I hummed. "..You should get going before it gets dark, Ms. (L/n)." I sat up. "Yes sir." Before I was out of earshot. "Ms. (L/n)! Thank you for the compliments on the flowers.. They were my wifes!" I smiled and waved. "Your welcome, Mr. Kagamine! I hope I'll see you soon!" He rolled his eyes. "The next time my son brings you around!" I swear I could see a smile on his face.

I have to make up with Len soon..

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