Chapter 5: The Training Begins

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously, on Dragon Ball Z. Goku and Piccolo joined forces to fight Raditz but even this alliance proved insufficient to beat him. However, Piccolo had a trick up his sleeve but required the assistance of Goku to buy him enough time to charge it. Goku managed to grab Raditz's tail but he was tricked into letting him go. Raditz had the upper hand until Gohan miraculously came to the rescue. However, it didn't last for long as Goku managed to grab Raditz again but he escaped and Goku ended up dying. Now, the fate of Piccolo is revealed, today!

After Piccolo's failed attempt to kill Raditz, both of them are shocked by what happened. Raditz especially, since he wasn't expecting that to happen and thinks to himself, What have I done? I should be relieved that I'm not dead but a part of me is trembling. I don't know why but a part of me feels awful for what happened. Is it because of him? Is it because I let Kakarot die? Is this the burden of guilt? I swear I didn't mean for Kakarot to get hit by the blast! I was just caught in the heat of the moment that I panicked and did the first thing my body told me to do. I truly didn't mean to let Kakarot die. Piccolo is left distraught as he thinks to himself, Great! Just great! So much for my plan but at least I got to kill Goku but something tells me I won't enjoy it for too long. He tries to stay calm but he notices that Raditz isn't moving. Piccolo then notices the scared look on his face and thinks to himself, He's not moving. It looks like watching his brother die right in front of his eyes affected him. He's distracted but if I had any energy left, I could have finished him off but at this point, I should concentrate on getting me AND the boy out of here and do some scheming. I don't have any energy left to fight. Raditz then looks at Piccolo in a horrified expression in means of not having to look at the corpse of his brother. They both stare at each other until Raditz says, "I... I didn't think he'd actually do it! I didn't think he would give his life away like that!" Piccolo replies, "Well, that's Goku for you. Stupid. Then again, if you're thinking you've won, think again. Goku may be dead right now but he'll be brought back soon enough." Raditz is caught off guard and asks, "Wait, what!?! You mean Kakarot can be brought back to life!?! How!?!" Piccolo smirks and replies, "There are 7 magical orbs called Dragon Balls. And when they are all gathered, it will summon a dragon capable of granting anyone any wish they want and Goku's friends will surely do this once they find out the news. And once he's resurrected, we'll come back stronger than ever and wipe you off the face of this planet. You hear?" Raditz then thinks to himself, Is it really true? Will these so call Dragon Balls bring my brother back to life? Maybe I can still make things right but for right now, I should report to Vegeta and Nappa.

Raditz then flies off while Piccolo thinks to himself, He's gone. That outta scare him but I can't sit around here, he'll be back. However, something interesting did came out of this and it's Goku's brat. At face value, he might look like an ordinary boy but deep inside there's a strong warrior waiting to be unleashed. Maybe, just maybe, if I train this boy then it would be enough to get rid of that clown and those other Saiyans. He'll even help me kill Goku and take over the world! Yeah, it won't be a repeat of last time! Meanwhile, Raditz flies off somewhere far from Piccolo to recover and to report back to his superiors as he thinks to himself, The Dragon Balls, eh? Can they really bring someone back from the dead? I guess there's only one way to find out. Anyway, time to report back to Vegeta and Nappa. Raditz flies off to the distance hoping to put what happened behind him. While this was happening, Bulma and the others arrive at the scene on her plane. Master Roshi asks, "What's going on down there?" Bulma replies, "This isn't good. One of them is gone, one of them is lying on the ground, and only one of them is left standing." Shocked, Krillin asks, "Which one? Who?" Bulma replies, "I don't know but there's only one way to know." Bulma prepares to land her plane. On the other side of the galaxy, Raditz's comrades Vegeta and Nappa are sitting by a campfire while chowing down on some bug creatures.

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