Chapter 93: Gohan vs Cell

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball Z! After a long and heavy battle, Goku has put up a good fight against Cell but he ultimately proved to be not up for the task and has thrown in the towel much to the displeasure of everyone there. From there, Goku chose Gohan to fight in the second round of the Cell Games much to everyone's surprise. However, it was revealed that Gohan had a lot of strength hidden inside of him that it put someone like Ranch's power to shame. Now, will Gohan be able to defeat Cell? Find out!

Chi-Chi has been traumatized by what she saw on television. She just witnessed her son getting beaten right in front of her on live television. As she bites on a handkerchief, she says, "Goku has been a lost cause for many years now and that brother of his has only made things worse. Despite all they've done, I forgave them both but just look at those two. They seem ecstatic by this, almost as if they're enjoying it. A line has been cross and I swear to Dende if something happens to my baby then I'll never forgive them both!" Launch replies, "Come on Chi, I'm sure Goku had a reason to send him out like that. Do I think it makes things any better? No. Which is why I say, let him fight, this is destiny." Chi-Chi asks angrily, "Are you saying that my baby should end up like his barbaric father and uncle and like the rest of his ancestors?" Master Roshi replies, "That's not what she meant, Chi-Chi. Look, I know it's difficult to understand the Saiyan mindset but you got to understand that your baby is one of them and has the blood of warriors flowing throughout his body." Chi-Chi then gets emotional and begins to cry and starts pounding on the ground like a baby. "I just want someone to pull my baby away from that monster!" Bulma asks, "Should we do something about her?" Launch replies, "Nah, just let her be. I only hope they all make it out of this." Bulma nods her head. Back in the arena, Cell and Gohan stare at one another for quite some time until Cell fires a ki blast. Gohan avoids this one but Cell kept more firing until Gohan couldn't keep up no more. He didn't get hit or anything but the blasts kept catching up to him only to grace his skin. Gohan then decides to hide behind a couple of rocks where Cell then fired at. Smoke and debris were in the air and Gohan used this to cover himself. The news reporter comments, "Get a load of this, people. The young boy seems to be putting up a fight against Cell but the real question is who would let a child do any of this?" Back at home, Chi-Chi cries over this. Meanwhile, Gohan landed on the ground only for Cell to show up behind him and proceeds to punch Gohan in the face. Cell then goes for a kick but Gohan flew up in time. Cell vanished and reappeared on top of Gohan where he then tried to kick Gohan in the head but he dodged it. The two then settle down to the ground. However, Cell reappeared behind Gohan and smacked him on the head followed by a kick that sent Gohan flying. Cell tells Gohan, "Pathetic child. At least you have your father to blame for this." Cell proceeds to fire a blast at Gohan.

This blast sent Gohan flying through some rocks and he lies there with no trace to be found of him. Shocked, Ranch asks, "Is he... Is he alright?" Cell replies, "I don't know, Ranch, maybe I did take things just a bit too far. A little harsh but what's done is done. Anyway, who will my next opponent be?" The news reporter then tells the audience in shock, "My Dende, it would seem that the child has lost and I don't mean just the round but I fear his life as well." Back at home, everyone is shocked to hear this. Chi-Chi cries out, "NO! MY BABY! GOKU, RADITZ, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU TWO!" Chi-Chi then faints as everyone tends to her. Launch comments in a somber tone, "Poor little man." Bulma, with tears in her eyes, replies, "Oh, Gohan." Master Roshi, on the other hand, looks more intrigued than sad. Back in the arena, everyone is shocked by what happened. Piccolo asks Goku and Raditz, "Do you two see what you've done? Why couldn't you listen to us? We told you this would happen!" Ranch then tells her father and uncle, "And, what has gotten into you two? Aren't either of you concerned with Gohan's wellbeing?" However, the brothers don't respond. Ranch then yells out, "Hey, are you even listening?" Piccolo then shouts out, "You've pushed your son to his death!" Goku replies, "Just relax, Piccolo, look." Piccolo and the others then pick up on Gohan's energy. Ranch exclaims in relief, "You guys, Gohan's energy hasn't dropped a bit!" Cell replies, "Either way it doesn't matter, just eat the Senzu Bean Goku. You're the only one worth being in the Cell Games." Goku asks, "Then who's that behind you?" Cell turns around only to see Gohan emerging from the rubble.

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