Chapter 142: Hiding Inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball Z! After the tragic sacrifice of Raditz's wife, Launch, a hidden power awoken inside of him and tapped into a power even greater than Super Saiyan 2. From there, Raditz challenged Buu to a fight. Raditz was winning but this is what Buu wanted. Using some of his blown off pieces, Raditz was caught by surprise and was absorbed by Super Buu who now takes on the appearance of Raditz. Buu has now gotten stronger and our heroes are left with little choice but to lock Buu up inside the Time Chamber today!

After Buu absorbed Raditz, Goku asks, "Hey, did you all feel that?" Supreme Kai replies, "Yeah, your brother's energy completely disappeared and Buu's energy only got stronger." Goku replies in a worried tone, "I really hope nothing bad has happened. I also can't sense the boy's energy nor Piccolo's. I hope that they haven't been done in yet." Supreme Kai replies, "Still, I can't believe that Buu has gotten stronger. Perhaps this powerup won't be enough to defeat Buu after all." Gohan looks over at him with a concerned look on his face. Gohan thinks to himself, I figured that much but there has to be a way, there always is. Goku then picks up another trace elsewhere. Supreme Kai asks, "What is it, Goku? Do you feel something?" Goku replies, "Yeah, I don't why but some strange energy is emitting from King Yemma's office. While I'm here, I may as well check it out." Supreme Kai replies, "Alright but don't take too long. Just remember the task at hand, okay?" Goku nods his head and then uses Instant Transmission to teleport himself to King Yemma's office. Supreme Kai thinks to himself, What could be happening at King Yemma's office that manages to grab Goku's attention. I really hope it's not a new enemy, our hands are full as it is. Meanwhile, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo are inside of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Goten and Trunks are amazed by what they see as Goten asks, "Whoa, this place is so huge!" Trunks replies, "And it has this weird tingly feeling to it. It's so cool! However, I feel very heavy in here. Hey, Piccolo, is this like a gravity room like my dad has?" Goten then asks, "Hold on, Trunks, I got a question too. Mr. Piccolo is there an ac or something because it's warm in here." Piccolo replies, "The answer to both those questions is that these are the harsh conditions you're going to train in when inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber." Trunks asks, "So, there's no way to turn them off?" Piccolo replies, "Absolutely. Now, get training." Lazily, Trunks replies, "Hey, what's the rush? I mean time goes a lot faster in here, right?" Piccolo replies, "Regardless, there's no time to waste. Just look at Goten, he's already gotten started." Trunks and Piccolo then sees Goten doing sit-ups. Trunks comments, "Pfft, whatever, show off."

Trunks then makes his way to the pantry to look for something to eat. Trunks yells out, "I found stuff to eat so there you go!" Piccolo replies, "That supply is only enough for two people so use it sparingly." Trunks replies, "Geez, that's tough. What about you? Aren't you gonna get hungry?" Piccolo replies, "Fourtanely, I don't have the same dietary requirements as an Earthling or a Saiyan. I only need to drink water but now isn't the time to be talking about food. Get on out there with Goten and begin training!" Trunks replies, "Alright, alright. Geez, there's no need to yell, old man." Trunks approaches Goten and the two begin training as Piccolo watches over them. He then thinks to himself, This is it, this is our only hope to defeat Majin Buu. However, considering how strong Buu has gotten after absorbing Raditz, there might not be a chance that the boys can handle this. Our only bet is for us to trap Buu inside here while the others go and gather the Dragon Balls to wish everyone back. Hopefully, Fusion will be the key to winning this. Meanwhile, everyone outside is trying their best to distract Majin Buu. However, everyone who can fight is being completely overwhelmed by him thanks to his incredible strength. Yamcha fires his Spirit Ball attack, Krillin fires a Destructo Disk, Master Roshi fires his Kamehameha, 13 fires his Deadly Bomber Attack, and Ranch fires her father's Double Sunday attack. They all strike Buu at once. The lookout is then covered in smoke and everyone breathes heavily. Master Roshi comments, "Hopefully that bought the boys some time in there." Ranch replies, "But if we can, we must continue otherwise Buu will really destroy Earth." Confused, Krillin asks, "Why isn't he getting out of the smoke? There is no way that could have done him in, right?" Yamcha replies, "Maybe it did and we're all just acting a bit paranoid. I mean, have you ever doubted us before? We're the pros when it comes to this kind of thing." Krillin replies, "Yamcha, I seriously doubt that this is the time to be acting calm." Ranch replies, "Yeah, Mr. Krillin is right, Mr. Yamcha. For all we know, Buu could be hiding in there and plotting his next attack." 13 replies, "Don't worry, I'll detect him using my thermal detector." 13 then switches over to his thermal detector and aims it at the smoke in search of any signs of life. There's nothing until 13 picks something up and yells out, "He's over there!" Everyone then continues firing their strongest attacks. However, Buu is still nowhere to be seen even after being detected. Suddenly, a pink beam fires out of the smoke as Ranch yells out, "Watch out! Something's coming!" However, it was too late and the pink beam struck Krillin and turned him into chocolate. Horrified, Yamcha asks, "W-What... What just happened?" Roshi yells out, "Buu is transforming us into chocolate! Run for your lives!"

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