Chapter 145: Trapped Inside the Time Chamber

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*In Narrator's Voice*
Previously on Dragon Ball Z! After entering the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Buuditz challenged Gotenks to a fight. The Fusion had many tricks up his sleeves and some were more effective than others but the move that really stood out the most was none other than the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. This attack completed wiped the floor with Majin Buu. However, it was revealed that Buuditz was so strong that he could withstand the attack. Gotenks decided to pretend that he lost so he could make a comeback. However, Piccolo destroyed the door and now they're all locked up, today!

Piccolo has done the unthinkable and locked himself with Buuditz and Gotenks inside of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber much to the shock of the others. Piccolo tells Buuditz, "Well, Buu, if you want to kill us then go right ahead but just note that you'll never leave this dimension ever again." Gotenks then approaches the now-defunct entrance and tries to see if there's anywhere to get out from. However, there appears to be no such thing after continuously searching and searching. Gotenks then asks, "Hey, Piccolo, quick question, does blowing this thing up mean that we're trapped too?" Piccolo replies, "Yeah, I'm afraid so. The chamber portal is destroyed forever. We're all going to spend the rest of eternity in this dimension." Panicking, Buuditz asks, "But how is Buu suppose to get his candy?" Piccolo replies, "You won't, there's none here." Shocked, Buuditz asks, "So there's no delicious cookie? No ice cream? No chocolate?" Piccolo replies, "Exactly, they're all gone." Buuditz then screams in disappointment while Gotenks is rolled up into a ball. Buuditz then walks around the time chamber as he slowly loses his mind as he mutters to himself over the loss of cookies and all sweet treats. Gotenks gets up and asks, "Piccolo, why did you do that? I wish you could have told me that you were about to do that. I was just about to launch and awesome attack!" Piccolo replies, "But I thought you said that you didn't have any power left to launch another attack." Gotenks replies, "But it was a harmless lie to make the fight more interesting when I come out on top at the end but now my awesome plan has completely been shot up to ashes thanks to that big green head of yours!" Piccolo replies, "What? This is all your fault, you stupid brat! You can't just tell a lie like that at a time like this!" Gotenks replies, "I'm sorry but I wanted to end this with a bang!" Piccolo replies, "And look where that got us and now there's no way to get out of here. We're trapped here forever and it's all your fault!" Goku should have never entrusted the fate of the universe with you guys." Gotenks replies, "Look, I screwed up but at least Buu can't get back to Earth, right?" Piccolo replies, "Well, at least we managed that much."

The two then notice Buuditz making his way to the broken entrance as he mutters, "Cookies... Ice Cream... Chocolate... Gone... All gone..." Buuditz then growls in frustration until it becomes a powerful scream that can be heard all throughout the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. The other two take cover as Gotenks asks, "What's he doing?" Piccolo replies, "I don't know but he's certainly not happy, I'll tell you that." Buuditz then yells out in a powerful screech, "I HATE THIS PLACE AND I HATE YOU!" The scream is so powerful that it sends Piccolo and Gotenks flying off as pink electricity sparks around the area. Buuditz keeps screaming until a hole of some kind forms up which startles Buuditz at first but quickly gains his curiosity. The other two then get up as Gotenks asks, "Piccolo, now what's that?" Piccolo replies, "I don't know but if I didn't know better, I'd say that the lookout is just at the other side of that hole. You can even see it which must indicate that Buu has created some sort of rip in time and dimension with that scream alone. Is there anything that he can't do?" Gotenks asks, "So what you're telling me is that he made his own portal back?" Piccolo responds, "That's exactly what I'm saying. Gotenks, no matter what, we can't let Buu escape or else everyone's sacrifice would have gone to waste and Buu will most certainly destroy the Earth after this." Gotenks replies as he takes a stance, "Alright, let's do this!" However, the hole begins to shrink and everyone notices this as Gotenks yells out, "Look, the hole's closing!" Buuditz replies, "Well, I'm not staying here forever! Buu need to get away from this place!" Buuditz then turns into liquid and begins making his way to hole like a little slithering snake. Meanwhile, Ranch and the others have collected a Dragon Ball. Ranch exclaims, "We found a Dragon Ball!" 13 replies, "Don't celebrate just yet, we still have like six more to go." Ranch replies, "I know but this should start to make things right." Dende replies, "Yeah but I'm wondering what the others are up to? I really hope they're all right." Ranch replies, "Don't worry, Dende, I'm sure that they're fine and-" Suddenly, Ranch dropped the Dragon Ball much to the confusion of 13 and Dende. 13 asks, "Is everything alright?" Ranch then falls on her knees and tears start forming in her eyes as she tells them, "Buu is out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and I can't sense Goten, Trunks, or Piccolo. They're gone." Everyone is shocked to hear this as 13 yells out, "Damn it! Didn't Piccolo try to lock him up in case Gotenks couldn't beat him?" Dende replies, "He probably tried to but Buu must have killed him before he could do so, I'm sorry." Ranch thinks to herself, I'm sorry, you guys. Goten, you were like a little brother to me. Trunks as annoying as you were sometimes, I really liked you. As for you, Piccolo, I promise that Gohan will avenge you.

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