Secrets Revealed in a Hidden Home

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Ink's POV:
Error lead us to a clearing in the woods, which held a two story house in the middle of it, with a garden at the back if I'm correct. He lead us inside and set a basket down in the living room.

"I'll be back. I'm going to tuck these two in. Don't break anything." Error said. His response was a nod from me and Outer. Once Error left we sat down in the couch. When he came back he put away the stuff from the basket and then sat in a armchair beside the couch.

"So, how did you know I was here?" He asked.

"Outer saw you and called me. We watched for a few minutes than sat down next to you. You know the rest." I explained.

"And I only saw you due to my brother asking me to see if anything was in this area." Outer said.

"I see. Well you better not bring my children into this war we have. If you do I cannot promise anybody is safe, even the originals, until they are back in my care." Error said with a stoic face. His response, once again, was a nod from us.

"I promise I won't bring your children into our war." I respond.

"Good. I'd hate to hurt more people than necessary in this pointless war." Error remarked, leaning back into the chair.

"I still don't understand why you say the war is pointless." Outer muttered.

"That's because had you listened to my reason when I begun destroying, this war would of never needed to happen." Error replied.

"WHAT!?" Both me and Outer shout.

"Don't yell. You could wake up the kids." Error hissed.

"How can we not!? Your saying that there was a option for the war to never start!" I restored.

"I am aware of this fact Ink. I know many things, half of them even you don't know nor Classic. But I do not think you realize how much I care for Ray and Sun. So don't wake them." Error commented.

"Fine... I'm sorry... but can you tell us why you destroy?" I questioned.

"Heh, I would have a long time ago if I thought you would believe me. But I still don't think you will, even if it makes sense." Error replied.

"We promise to believe whatever you say." Outer says, while I nod in agreement.

"...Fine. You want to know why I destroy? That's because there's a limit on how many universes there can be. There always has been. Once that limit is filled, the universes will touch and collapse. Why do you think I never destroyed originals? Thankfully the balance between Creation and Destruction is balances besides a few AU's. But if the limit is filled for to long, then there will be a chain reaction, casing the multiverse to fall." Error explained, shocking me and Outer.

"W-What..?" Outer muttered.

"Of course I wasn't meant to be broken to fit to fix the unstable balance, but then Fate forgot to tell me how to escape, resulting in me losing most of my sanity at the time. Kinda glad the voices were around then or otherwise I would still be stuck there most likely." Error said as he waved his hand around. "Nothing I can do about it though. It's in the past."

"Why wasn't I told!? Shouldn't I known of this?" I asked.

"In most multiverses, the Fate in control will whisper it to your equal there. But our Fate decided to write it down on paper to help you remember long term, but instead of reaching you it went to the Void. At least the Gaster's know." Error replied.

"I-I'm so sorry..." I apologized.

"Me to..." Outer said,

"Don't worry about it, I don't blame anybody but myself. I could have told you sooner. There was no way for you all to know unless told by me or Fate. Though I do hold a small grudge to Fate for not trying to tell you again." Error replied, waving his hand again.

"Still... I should of asked why..." I muttered.

"We all should have..." Outer mumbled,

"Now listen up you two." Error asserted, leaning forwards. "Nobody is to blame but me. I was the one who kept it to 7 others knowing. I was the one who didn't tell you. I was the one who told Blue to keep it a secret-"

"Wait what?" Outer asked quickly.

"-out of fear he would be seen as a traitor. I am the only one to blame. You all did what you thought was right from my lack of telling. Understand? So if your blaming anybody, blame me. I am the one at fault here. Not you, not anybody else. Truthfully, that small grudge to Fate doesn't even mean much. It's just something I can't shake, so don't blame her either." Error defended.

"Why are you taking the blame? It's my fault. I made almost everyone hate you..." I questioned guilt filled.

"Because it's my fault. And yes, almost everyone hates me. But you only said what you knew. I am the only one to blame. I could of, no I should of told you all sooner. But I came up with a thought that might of not even been true. Nobody is to blame but me." Error stated, leaning back into the chair again. Still doesn't make me feel less guilty.

"Do you mind if we tell the council? Now that we know, this war is pointless from our side. And if we just suddenly end it without telling the council first, then they will think you did something." Outer explained.

"Of course. I only had Blue keep it a secret because it would of been just him knowing out of the entire council. And that did not look good for him." Error replied.

"Hey, when did you tell Blue?" I asked.

"Actually, by the cliff we were at earlier. He came up to me to ask why, and I told him. No offense to you two but if the only one who wasn't a judge looked for both sides, then that's kinda sad for the image of all AU's." Error chuckled.

"Fair point." Outer replied nodding his head. I let out a small laugh.

"Well We will go and call the sans's and have the meeting." I said. I still feel guilty, but this is the first of many things I will do to fix my mistakes. "And I'm sorry for everything."

"Eh don't worry bout it. You all are welcome to come over at any time. The kids love new people. Had the kids noticed you I'm sure they would of been up all in your faces." Error laughed.

"Heh, we'll be sure to take you up on that offer." Outer smiled. I opened a portal and waved along with Outer as we left.

"Hey Ink! Hey Outer! What's going on?" Dream asked as he came into view.

"Heya Dream. We need to call a meeting." I replied.

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