Telling others

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Classic's POV:

I waited for Blue and Dust to come over to Nightmare's mansion for whatever they wanted to say. I was thinking of what it could be until I heard my name.

"Classic! Error and Horror are betting on what the surprise is! So what do you think it is? That they are dating or that Dust lost a fight to Blue. Error, Stretch, Cross, and Maple think that they are dating. Horror, Killer, Nightmare, Ink and I think that Dust lost a fight to Blue." Dream explained. "Everyone else didn't bet."

"Hmm... No offense but I think that they're dating. After all, if Stretch is betting that, then it's most likely going to happen." I replied.

"None taken! Now I'm going to go tell the others!" Dream chirped.

"Wait, what are we betting on?" I asked before he left.

"Well, only Error and Horror are betting stuff. Kinda just a poll for the rest of us. Anyways they are betting on who has to make the other food for a week." Dream answered before skipping off to Error and Horror.

I quietly observed the room to see what everyone is doing. (Am I the only one who does that?)

I noted to myself that everyone else who betted was by Error and Horror. Those who didn't bet were playing a card game on the floor. I let my thoughts take over before the front door opened.

"Hey, guys! We're here!" Blue chirped, skipping in. He was followed by Dust who was looking at Blue and blushing.

"So what's the news?" Horror and Error asked together. I glanced over to see Death holding onto Error's waist and pulling him closer.

"Instead of telling you, we can show you." Dust chuckled, pulled Blue in, and kissed him. I clapped as Blue kissed back.

"Hah! I was right Horror!" Error exclaimed happily.

"Right about what?" Blue asked as he pulled away.

"Some of us betted in weather or not this was about you two were dating. Error, Stretch, Cross, Maple and I said that you were. Horror, Dream, Nightmare, Ink, and Killer said Dust lost a fight to Blue." I responded.

"Of course Stretch got it right. After all, I asked for his permission." Dust smirked. He got a fake salute from Stretch.

"That was Classic's reason!" Dream exclaimed. I just shrugged.

"Now then. If anyone else is dating somebody and nobody knows, raise your hand." Blue demands. I raised my hand along with Fell, Nightmare, Horror, Dream, Killer, and Sci.

"Classic, who are you dating?" Maple asked.

"I'm dating Fell," I replied as he came over and sat next to me, making me blush.

"Brother, who is your lover?" Dream teased.

"Horror." Nightmare stated, wrapping his arm around Horror's waist. "What about you?"

"The ball of positivity is mine." Killed answered, standing behind Dream. Once Dream noticed he was there, He leaned onto his lover.

"Sci that leaves you. Who managed to capture your interest. Was it my mom?" Ink questioned, jumping up and down. Sci looked at the ground, blushing.

"Maybe..." He muttered.

"Hurt my mom's feelings and I'm destroying your universe! I don't care if I'm no longer needed to destroy, I will do it!" Error exclaimed from Death's hold.

(Sci x Pearl is Scarl btw.)

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