Geno's Memories

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Geno's POV:

Everything went black. It stayed like that for a few minutes until everything changed into a darkly lit room. In that room, I saw Fresh, Error, and myself in it but as kids. Fresh and I was falling asleep and Error was singing.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight. Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound. Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby Even when the music's gone, gone. just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound. Just close your eyes, you'll be alright
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound"

Okay, I have to admit, Error sings well. I was about to move closer to them when the door behind me opened and slammed shut. The kid Fresh had already fallen asleep, but the Kid Error and the Kid me didnt. They looked surprised and concerned, rushing to whoever was behind me. I turned around to see Mom. I think she's pregnant with Ink from her stomach.

"Mom are you okay? What did he do to you?" The kid Error asked.

"I'm fine sweeties. He just slapped me once, that's all." Mom replied. Who slapped her!?

"Let us help you momma." The kid me said, as Error and Geno lead her to a chair.

"Hmmm, Ya know kids... we never did figure out a name for your soon to be little brother." Mom said.

"Right! What should we call him?" Past me asked. Mom was trying to change the subject, and it worked.

"Hmmm... Maybe Ink?" Kid Error suggested.

"Ink... I think its a wonderful idea. What about you Geni?" Mom questioned, turning to kid me.

"I love it!" The kid me exclaimed.

"Hehehe. Alright. Ink it is." Mom said.

Everything faded back to black and then to a kitchen. I only see me, Ink, and Fresh but I hear yelling.

"Bro when will Mom and Dad stop fighting?" Kid Fresh asked Kid me.

"Soon Fresh. Soon." Kid me replied. The kid me is holding a baby Ink. I leave the room to where I hear the yelling. I was surprised at what I saw. I saw a stranger, who I presume to be Dad, yelling at Mom. Error is in-between them trying to stop mom from being hurt.

"You Glitch get out of the way!" Dad yelled at Error.

"Over my dead body! You aren't hurting mom!" The kid Error shouted back.

"Error, sweetie please go with your siblings." Mom tried coaxing Error to go.

"No! He will hurt you then!" Error replied.

"You little brat!" Dad yelled again, taking out a bone.

"I refuse to sit by and watch my family be hurt by you!" Error growled at dad, taking out his strings.

I gasped as Error snapped the bone Dad threw at him with ease. For some reason, Mom and Dad are shocked.

"How did you do that!? You're weak!" Dad yelled wanting an explanation. Error just chuckled.

"Isn't it amazing what a little training can do?" Error smirked, making dad more frustrated.

Dad started throwing more and more bones at Error who snapped them all to dust. After 10 boned Error had enough and strung of Dad's soul.

"Let me go you abomination!" Dad demanded. Yet I could tell he was scared.

"The only abomination I see is the one tied up by strings." Error growled. "Now listen here. You leave us alone and never return or otherwise your dust. Got it?"

"Fine," Dad grumbled.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Error raised an eye(?) brow.

"I said fine," Dad replied.

"Good. Now go." Error hissed, opening a portal and motioning to it. Dad walked through it and the portal closed.

"Error are you okay?" Mom asked rushing over. I just noticed that she was with the younger me, Fresh, and Ink.

"Yeah, mom! And don't worry about Dad. He won't bother us anytime soon." Error chirped happily, hugging mom.

"...He is still alive... right?" Mom asked.

"Mhm! I did threaten his life though if he returned. But he doesn't need to know that the threat was empty." Error giggled, making Mom chuckle out of relief.

"Good. I don't want you to have to kill others." Mom sighed. Oh if only she knew then. Everything faded back to black and then I woke up back into reality.

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