Ink's Memories

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(The picture above is the Dad. I know he wasn't in this set of memories but I've already shown what Ink looks like.)

Ink's POV:

After I had the potion, everything went away and was replaced by a black. When I blinked I was suddenly in a large crowd, besides adult versions of me, Geno, Error, and Fresh. I think this was before we lost our memories or somewhere close.

"I love us going to conventions but stars my legs always get sore." Younger Geno complained.

"Aw come on G Bro! Ain't the pain worth some radical family time?" Younger Fresh asked.

"Yeah. It is." Geno admitted.

"Cmon! I wanna see all the art stuff and cosplays!" Younger me exclaimed, bouncing up and down.

"Okay Inky. Let's go." Younger Error chuckled. I followed them as they walked off.

"So I'm guessing Mom has work right now?" Geno asked Error.

"Yeah. She'll pick us up at 3. I'll just text her if we want to stay longer so instead we can just portal home." Error hummed.

"Got it E Bro!" Fresh replied.

"Heya boys! Surprised to see you guys came back." A girl skeleton said at an art booth.

"Really Daze? You shouldn't. We have been coming every year for 25 years." Younger me replied. So that's Daze.

"Heh True True. So anything you guys see that you like?" Daze asked.

"Heh, not for me. By the way, how are you and Ase been doing? I swear you guys are couple goals." Error talked with Daze as Younger me, Geno, and Fresh looked around.

"We got engaged actually! We're also looking into merging out AU's. Our royal families died and seeing as Ase's kid doesn't reset anymore, and my kids never reset to start with, I and Ase were picked to lead the AU's due to most knowledge on the other universes." Daze explained.

"Wow! Congrats!" Error congratulated.

"Heh, Thanks!" Daze replied.

A black mist came from somewhere and blocked my vision. When it left Our family was in a van, with a ton of convention items. Guess this is on the way home.

"Did you boys have fun?" Mom asked.

"Yep,/Yes Mom/Yeah/Mhm!" Was her responses.

"Good! By the way, Error, How is Daze and Ase?" Mom asked, glancing at Error.

"They're fine! In fact, they got engaged and are looking into merging their AU's seeing as their royal families passed sadly." Error repeated but shorted.

"Oh, it's sad that we won't see Violet, Golden, Rani, and Delroy anymore. But what about their kids?" Mom questioned.

"Dunno. I guess none of them wanted to take the throne. You know how they always wanted to explore the AU's instead." Error replied.

"Hm, True." Mom hummed.

"Mom! Look out!" Geno suddenly shouted. In front of the car was a different car coming right for us. Everything went black at the impact. Then I was back at Sci's.

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