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Error's POV:

It's been 2 days since my poor excuse of a father kidnapped me. You know what, no. He's not my father anymore. He does not deserve that title.

I quietly observed the room I am in. I am chained to a pole in the middle of the room. There's a small window to tell the time. I have magic restraints to prevent me from escaping. My father comes in around 3 pm to harm me. A few good things of being in a war with Inky is that I am used to pain, I can plan, and I don't show fear in my eyes often.

I look out the window to see that it's around 2:58 pm. So Jake will come in soon. Huh, ask and you shall receive. I tore my eyes away from the window as I saw Jake open up the door.

"Glitch." He stated.

"Jake," I replied emotionlessly.

"What, not Father?" He teased.

"You lost that title the moment you hurt the ones you swore to keep safe," I answered. He backed up in shock. I glared as his face turned stern.

"That aside." He huffed. "It's time for your 'appointment'." I rolled my eyes and quickly noted the room again while he un-cuffed me.


A tired Jake threw me onto the chair and sleepily did the ropes. I faked a yelp when he closed his eyes and did the rope. He snapped to reality and walked away. I lowly chuckled as I waited for my magic to build a bit. The 'appointment' today was him draining my powers and testing them. 

He didn't notice that he didn't put the magic restraints back on, so when my magic was built up enough I summoned a bone and cut the ropes. I quietly hissed as I accidentally scraped my wrist.

Everything started going fuzzy as I finally got out of the ropes. I checked my stats to see my magic levels low. I sighed as I opened a portal to the front of the house. As the portal closed, Black took over my vision as I fell onto the ground.

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