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Error's POV:

A month later we started our jobs as teachers. Though it's not a normal school. We are teaching at a school that's kindergarten all the way to the end of college. Yeah, it's a big building. But hey, we are all teaching at the collage aspect. Geni is teaching Drama, Fresh is teaching Dance, I'm teaching sewing, and of course Inky is teaching art.

I walked through my classroom. Luckily we all got it in the same hall. Apparently Nightmare and Blue are teaching here too because Nightmare's teaching music on this hall and Blue is teaching cooking.

"Good Morning class! My name is Error Outcode but call me whatever you like that's not formal." I greeted.

"Good morning Error!" The class responded.

"Now, since it's the first day in this class for all of us, Let's go around getting to learn about each other. After that, you can ask questions to anybody." I said. This went on for 5 minutes and then 10 minutes later of asking questions, somebody asked me something.

"Error? What did you do before teaching?" A student named Rose asked me.

"Well, it wasn't that long ago when I stopped that job, thankfully. Today is my first day of teaching ever, but to answer your question I was the Forced God of Destruction. My younger brother Ink did not hear Fate when telling him that there's a limit on how many AU's there can be. But that's all over with." I hummed.

"So you're a god..." Rose asked. Everyone looks shocked.

"Yup!" I reply, popping the P. "Literally can't die. Lost the need to eat, sleep, or drink eons ago. Also got all these scars from it."

"Then why haven't you healed yourself?" a Chara named Reta questioned.

"Body rejects it," I answered.

"Even Chaos's?" Reta asked again.

"Mhm! Trust me, she's tried countless times along with all the other first fallen in the support system." I said.

"Aha! I knew it! You're the one who set up that support system for the Chara's, aren't you?" Reta shouted.

"Yeah, all you had to do was ask. After all, your AU has always been netrual along with Ase's well if they haven't merged it yet." I restored.

"You know Daze and Ase?" Reta asked dumbfounded.

"Yup! They've babysat my kids several times. Where do you think Sun and Ray came from? Daze told me you guys met." I smirked.

"Oh..." Reta responded, causing me to chuckle.

"Error, what are your powers?" A frisk called Ria asked.

"Strings, Blasters, and Bones." I hummed.

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