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Third POV:
"Mom, can we go stargaze?" A white boned, glitching female skeleton named Ray asked her mom named Error. The girl was wearing a white tee shirt and baggy shorts. The mom, despite being male, was wearing a red shirt, a blue jacket that went to his knee's, Red fingerless gloves, A golden heart-shaped locket, and dark grey pants that were rolled up to his knees.

"Hmm sure. Go tell your brother and the both of you get ready." Error replied, setting down the puppet he was making.

"Yay! Thanks, mom!" Ray squealed, hugging her mother than running upstairs.

"Heh, so cute." Error muttered under his breath as he put blue slide on's on his feet. Once he was finished, he went to the kitchen and started packing up food for a picnic.

"Mom! We're ready!" A white boned, male skeleton named Sun said as he and his sister Ray ran down the stairs. He both were wearing a Red hoodie with white, grey pants, and white shoes. Ray was wearing the same but just blue instead of red.

"Great! Let's go!" Error said as he placed a blanket on the top of the basket, despite the basket having a lid.

They walked out of the house and into the forest, where the ended up by a cliff. A bit away from the cliff, they set up the blanket and food. 30 minutes passed and here's what they are doing now.

Error's POV:
I was watching my children play around near the picnic area when I heard two people sit down next to me, causing me to glitch more. I turned to see who it was when I saw Ink and Outer. I started glitching harshly but tried keeping it down for my kids.

"So this is where you've been huh?" Ink asked.

"Yes, have a problem with that?" I replied.

"As long as your not destroying I don't." Ink said while I silently scoffed.

"Whose kids are those?" Outer questioned me.

"Mine. Before you ask, no I don't know who the father is. And I really don't want to know if it means my children are safe. The one in red is Sun and the one in blue is Ray." I answered.

"Wait, how do you not know who the father is?" Outer said confused.

"Kinda hard when you're forced to do that several Times," I said looking away. Their faces showed shocked expressions when I glanced over.

"What... when...?" Ink mumbled.

"7 years ago. They may not have been intended by me but I'm glad I went through that pain if it means I have those two sweethearts." I said with fondness in my eyes.

"...Do they know you destroy?" Outer asked.

"Yes And they asked why unlike you all. But if you don't mind, I would rather not have my children in this pointless war we have. They may know of it but that doesn't mean I want to risk their safety." I replied.

"Pointless? And there's a reason? Isn't this just a game to you?" Ink said confused.

"Heh, if it was I would have stopped eons ago. But no alas, it's not. Though I'm not surprised you didn't hear Fate, seeing as she literally just wrote it down instead of telling you vocally." I answer.

"...So why is the reason you destroy?" Outer asked.

"Heh, would you even believe me if I told you? But yes there is." I replied. I glance over to them and they look confused and ha- Wait where's the hate they normally have? Why do they look guilty?

I look over to see my children passed out in the ground. I got And and picked both of them up, and headed back to the picnic area. I packed everything up and started to head home.

"You both can come if you want," I said to Ink and Outer, then resumed walking home with my children, now with two (soon to be former) enemies behind me.

And that's it for the first chapter! Let's see how long this one lasts, aye? I have a general idea of what to do and a good twist that will be revealed later on hehe! Let's hope to Destiny that I'll remember. ...imma go write it down just in case. By the way, In case you care, it's 667 words. No demons today! Well, besides mine, Chi.

Edit: Sorry that this is being updated! Turns out my editing didnt save so just did that. A few more details. Ink has a soul in this story. Also, I was planning on putting this later on, but if Error, Ink, Fresh, and Geno had normal jobs, what would they be? I'll put a few suggestions below! Also, I will be taking ships! But the one for Error won't happen for around 20 chapters. Yes, I have planned that far as of now. Also tell me, who do you want the father of the children to be? It has to be somebody rude but not Nightmare. My ship child, Illusion, has that spot. Go check my art book if you want to see more ship children designs. Now for the three job ideas.

Teacher (It would be a school where all grades, even college, are combined into a few building but are the same school.)



Put more idea's here

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