Error And Ink forgive Fate

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Error's POV:

Geno and Fresh stood in front of me right away when we saw Fate.

"Hello, you four. It's a pleasure to meet you all after us watching you all for a long time." Destiny chirped.

"Greetings Lady Destiny, Lady Fate, Sir Abyss, and Sir Chaos. It's an honor to meet you all." I greeted, bowing down.

"I like your chosen child Destiny. Very polite." Abyss stated.

"Before we start... Error I would like to apologize for what I've done to you. When I saw the multiverse was getting full I panicked..." Fate admitted.

"Don't worry about it Lady Fate. I never held a grudge." I reassured, making her smile.

"Thank you..." She replied.

"I never knew much of what happened but whatever you did, I forgive you." Ink chirped.

"Aww man I expected something more... well me." Chaos whined. Everybody but Chaos and I deadpanned.

"Yeah I expected that from you, Sir Chaos." I chuckled, making Chaos laugh and spin around.

"How else would I act? Hehe!" Chaos chirped.

"It's going to get so confusing because there's a Chara named Chaos too." Geno groaned.

"That's why we refer that one as Cha" Abyss replies, pointing to the god that's jumping around and giggling.

(Cha is easy to write for me Because he fits easily in what I feel like doing most of the time, and Abyss is how I act in reality.)

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