Who's the father

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Error's POV:

I walked into my living room to see Ink, Geno, Fresh, Stretch, Blue, and Deathy looking at a map of the multiverse. I snuck up behind Deathy and laid my chin on his head.

"So... Why are you guys looking at the multiverse?" I asked.

"We're wanting to find the AU's that did that to you," Blue replied.

"Well, shouldn't we just ask Destiny? Didn't Cha say she had something to do with it?" I hummed.

"Your right, he did!" Ink exclaimed, jumping up.

I glanced over to Geno and Fresh to see them chuckling darkly. I walked over to the other side of the couch and helped Deathy up.

"But how will you guys get there?" Deathy questioned as he held me closer, causing me to blush.

"Maybe if you guys yell into the void, Abyss will hear you?" Stretch joked. Suddenly there was a purple and black mist in the center of the living room.

"Kinda offense but it would have worked." Abyss replied as he stood there while the mist cleared.

"Hello, again Sir Abyss." I greeted. He nodded his head (Lol I almost put hands.) in greeting.

"We should get going to Destiny." He commented.

"Can I go? I would like to personally know who hurt my Ruru." Death asked.

"Sure." Abyss shrugged. He sent out his hand and everyone besides Blue and Stretch was wrapped in a mist. Next thing I know, we're in a cloudly place where Destiny, Fate, and Chaos are.

"Sup guys. Destiny, these dorks wanted you. Also, Death is dating Error." Abyss stated non-chantantly.

Destiny got and walked over to us smiling.

"Hello, Death! I'm Destiny, a pleasure to meet you!" She chirped as she held her hand out.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Destiny... Also, I doubt you'd want to touch me. Everyone but Error and his children sofar have passed away when they do." Death explained.

"...Fine. But hurt my chosen child and I will end you." Destiny replied, still smiling.

"Why would I hurt the only adult I can touch and the man that I love?" Death questioned, holding me closer. I huffed and kissed his cheek.

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