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Doc's POV:

I was reading multiverse's paper when my office's intercom turned on.

"Doc you are needed in room 28 sector B.." A voice said from the intercom. 

I nodded as I left the room. I walked down the hallways to see Death, Ink, and Geno all waiting by room 28. I nodded in greeting as I entered the room. I gasped as I saw Error with more scars on his body as well as a bleeding wrist.


I walked out of the room as Error was finished being patched up. I stood in front of Ink, Geno, and Death.

"He will be fine. He didn't have any main new injuries. It seems like his magic was drained so he might get a fever." I explained. (Might? This is me! Of course, he will! I mean... uh... You saw nothing.)

I watched them give a nod and head into the room. I sighed and returned to my office to work on paperwork.

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