A Peace Treaty between Hope and Fear

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Nightmare's POV:

My crew was upstairs messing around when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed, placing down the book I was reading and got up to answer the door. I opened it to see Dream standing there. I immediately get into a fighting stance.

"Dream!? Why are you here?" I demanded. My forced stotic face switched to confusion when he offered his staff.

"B-Nightmare I just want to talk. I want this war to end. Please, can we at least try to work it out?" Dream asked. I'm shocked. He's willing to listen?

"Fine... But my gang is upstairs so I'll be back. I doubt this will work out if they attack you on the spot." I explained as I lead Dream to the couch.

"Of course." He replies. I nod and walk upstairs to the room my gang was in. Out of the 30 rooms in this mansion, how did I know it was this one? I could sense their feelings. Okay, I'm joking they asked to use my room for hanging out. I opened the door causing them to pause their game and look at me.

"My brother and I are going to be downstairs working out a possible treaty. If any of you attack him if he has not attacked first then whoever does will have to clean the entire mansion. Understand?" I questioned. My reply was a nod from them all. "Good," I said, closing the door and walking back downstairs.

"They won't attack you unless you attack first," I explained to my brother as I sat down in the armchair I was sitting in before.

"Understood." Dream replies. Wow, who knew that Dream could be so formal.

We talked for a few hours. Me explaining why I ate the apples, how quickly that feeling wore off once I got here, The balance between Hope and Fear, and how I met the gang. He explained the feeling of suddenly being stone and turning out of it, How he wanted to do this for a long time, and about this 'Error' and him telling my brother to do what he wants to.

"Dream...?" I asked reluctantly.

"Yes?" Dream replied.

"...Are you sure you only want this treaty for me or to say that you 'tamed' me...?" I questioned.

"Nighty I swear on my life the thought of quote on quote 'taming' you never crossed my mind. I always just wanted you back." Dream answered, grabbing my hands.

"I... Okay." I said. He really doesn't want to say that he 'tamed' me... A few more hours and Dream and I have written down and signed a Peace Treaty between Hope and Fear.

"Thank you b-Nightmare. For listening." Dream says I lead him out.

"Of course. But... call me Brother since we are no longer at war." I replied.

"Sorry Dream but you are not leaving yet!" Cross giggled.

"Sibling bonding time!" Killer shouts as Dream and I were pushed upstairs and into my room.

"Wait, what!?" Both Dream and I ask at the same time.

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