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Death's POV:

I refused to leave Error's side until he woke up. It's been 3 days since he came here and he hasn't woken up. I perked my head up when I heard Error groan.

"Deathy...?" He muttered. I felt tears form in my eyes as I nodded. It seems like he noticed because he wiped them away. I saw Doc come in and stand on the other side of the bed.

"Error. Do you know who kidnapped you?" Doc asked, holding a clipboard.

"Da- no he doesn't deserve the title dad... It was Jake Outcode..." Error dazedly replied. I shared a worried glance with Doc.

"Um... Error can you sit up so I can run some tests?" Doc questioned. Ruru nodded, sitting up. But I did notice the stumbling and hesitance. I helped him stay sitting up as Doc ran some tests on him. I made sure to not touch Doc since he would dust if I did.

"Well, Error it seems like you have a fever. Most likely due to low magic levels. We can use some hea-" Doc started explaining, only for Error to shake his head.

"Healing...magic...dosen'" Error muttered. "My... body... rejects... it..." Error leaned onto me. I rubbed his head so he knows I'm here since I have a feeling he is half asleep.

"I see. Well, then it'll take more time for you to get better. But for now, I'll go let Dream know who kidnapped you and let your siblings know you're awake." Doc resumed. 

Error nodded once he finished and clung onto my jacket. I rubbed his back in a comforting manner. I kissed his skull as he was nearly asleep in my hold. 

The door opened to reveal the kids, Ink, Geno, and Fresh. I cautiously swapped places with Ink and Geno while Fresh and the kids sat on the other side of the bed. 

I sat at the foot of the bed, watching as they all comforted Error in some way. I watched them until I fell asleep.

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