Chapter 2 : The Battle.

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The Nordland Knight reached for Count Formal. All around them Dying Saderan Legionnaires and Nobles alike are getting butchered in all manner of Ork Choppa.

" Come with me should you wish to live. " The Nordland Knight said.

Count Formal stared at this Knight for a moment, he doesn't understand a word his saying but he took his hand anyway and the Nordland Knight pulled him up.
" You are indeed a lucky one sir, not many get saved from an Ork Choppa. "

Just then both men hear an ear peircing " WAAAAAGH !!! " And the Orks renewed with new numbers charged ones more into the Nordland Soldiers and Knights.

Count Formal was terrified at this Green Hulking monstrosities he has witnessed them kill entire Cohorts alone, and not even the experienced men could do anything to stop them.

" Kill Da Humies Boyz !!! "

Said one of the Orks.

The Nordland Knight looked at Count Formal and he said to him
" I am Sir Klement, Grand master of the second company of Nordland knights. "

Count Formal still couldn't understand a word he says.
Then Sir Klement took a Gladius from a Dead Saderan Legionnary
And gave it to the Count.

Sir Klement got back on his horse
" Your a Quite one good sir, it is best to join forces with the infantry. " he then pointed towards the direction of the Nordland soldiers fighting
The Orks. Pointing the way with his Cavalry Lance.

Then Sir Klement and the 700 Nordland Knights with him road off while he said to Count Formal
" Very interesting weapons your men at arms have good Sir ! "
Before he and his knights charged into the flanks of the Orkz.

Count Formal was impressed not even the greatest knights of Sadera could match the Nordlander Knights. As they fought with skill unmatched with anything from Sadera. There Lances could kill Orks and there Swords are no different. As he witnessed Sir Klement and his 700 hundreds knights Kill and trample atleast a thousand Orkz.

Count Formal then found himself in a Melee with the Orkz as he fought alongside the Nordland Infantry.

Nordlander Pikemen used there long pikes in a Phalanx type manner, while the shorter Spearmen used there Spears to tear through Ork armor and kill many of there wretched kind.

As Count Formal fought alongside the Nordland infantry. He was impressed at how brave this men are and how well there able to keep themselves organised and motivated to fight.

And Slowly the Orkz were being pushed back and killed.

The Nordland Knights continued to charge forward before circling around to continue there attacks.

A Few Hundred Nordland Knights even fought as normal infantry on the ground. Using there weapons to great effect.

The Field was mixed with Nordland Soldiers, Knights, Nobles.

But the Dead Orkz seemingly out way the Dead Nordlanders. And slowly and surely the Ork hordes started to feel the weight of Nordlander Steel.

Count Formal finally felt a sense of Hope and as he looked over to the Rear of the Nordland army he saw a few hundred extra figures appear from the horizon, they held banners with the Nordland Eagle. A symbol of the unity of its many Kingdoms.

And as they approached he soon realized this men were of Noble birth.

With them were more Nordland Knights and they escorted what appeared to be a Noble from this world's nobility. Who he was seeing was the King of the Kingdom of Glaudia : King Herald.

King Herald of Glaudia nodded in approval, the battle was turning to Nordland Favor.

A Nordland Nobleman Road up to him and he said " My lord, should we charge in now ? Our cavalry can provide the final push. "

King Herald nodded yes
" Yes, your right. " he said he then drew his sword and looked upon the knights that were with him and he then put on his helmet and he said to them :

" Now, we Nordlanders unite and we shall destroy the Orks hordes that have come to destroy us ! "
King Herald shouted.

" Follow me... And we will banish this Darkness ! " King Herald got on his horse and he said to them
" As the King of Glaudia, I Swear it. "

King Herald and His reinforcement Knights then charged Forward and the knights and there king soon found themselves reinforcing the and even pushing back the remaining Orks. He and his knights have turned the tide of battle

By the end of the Day 78.000 Orkz lay died on the fields. Out of the 40.000 Nordlanders who fought only 12.000 survived the battle.
But it was won.

And now Count Formal found himself among strangers, strangers who wanted to know more about what he was doing there.

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