Chapter 6 : Nordlander Preparations.

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As the Kings gathered there forces to send over to Falmart. Count Formal was taken into the care of Aristotles, and in response Aristotles sent his best Students to the armies as battle mages.

Aristotles would also love to see this new world too had it not been for his duties at the Citadel.

But due to the distance of the Gate it shall take time for the Nordland armies to get there, even King Salmere with his Dragons cannot reach the Gate in time.

And so it was the second company of Nordland knights led by Sir Klement alongside a sizable force of 1.000 Nordland Veterans and 5.000 Nordland Recruits young and eager to see the face of battle.

And hours later the Nordland armies arrive, with the 4 Kings themselves leading on horse back except for King Salmere for he road upon a massive Dragon along with 300 of his best Dragon Riders.

King Cambyses commanded a large force of 70.000 Nordlander infantry on the left wing with some 700 of his Household Knights.

King Lancaster commanded a lesser force if around 20.000 men as he was taking Caution before eagerness for war he would not risk loosing a large amount of his army. But when Nordland his threatened then he and his men shall answer the call to arms.

And King Herald revered and respected King of Nordland commanded the center force with the main body of Nordland Infantry and Knights, all of whom are veteran soldiers and are professionals at there line of work. All and all the Nordland armies numbered 200.000 men 35.000 Cavalry and over 4000 Nordland Knights from different lands and households.

Alongside the Nordlander armies were Supply and logistical Corpse keeping supplies flowing within the army.

A Core of Nordland Engineers experts at construction and Sabotage and maintaining of siege works and other areas that may need there expertise.

And over 30 Nordland Bombards Cannons so powerful that they were loaded with Large Boulders. And were loaded with Nordland magics.

Supported by what was over 4 Nordland Giants, Giants were a common sight in Nordland and they were hired as professional soldiers they wore heavy armor and a large sword that could easily battle other large monsters.

And with the Kings acting as an Elite Force to be feared and respected was the Varangian Guard.

The Varangians were elite full time Nordland Soldiers, this were the most elite and experienced when who have cleaved and cuts down countless orks in there years of Service.

And they were never far from the Kings of Nordland. They stood before there bed Chambers as they slepted and stood with them in the Palace and even outside the palaces.

Ones a man has been crowed they have won the Varangians undying allegiance.

Armed with Dane Axes and shields the varangians were feared and respected. Even amongst the Nobles.

Aristotles's student wizards who have volunteered to go was also there to support the army in any way they could.

Then as they stared at the Gate. Sir Klement was given the Honor of being the Spear Head of the Nordland Army.

And when they marched through the Gate, Nordland banners flew in the air Count Formal was also taken with them in Chains so as to make sure he comes along willingly.

And when they emerged the Nordlander Armies formed up in Battle Formations to face the Saderan Garrison force stationed at the Other side of the Gate.

Nordland Infantry made up the core of the with the Respected Varangian Guards as a Vanguard with King Herald and a few hundred Knights.

Sir Klement was given the honorable left Wing with King Cambyses and to the right was King Lancaster and flying above the army was King Salmere flying with his Dragons and there riders.

The first battle of Alnus Hill has  begun

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