Chapter 17 : The New Nordlander Overlords.

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As the Nordlanders gained control of many of the lands in Falmart, and as the vassals swear feilty to there new Nordland overlords. Many of the Falmartians found Nordlander rule pleasent.

The Nordlanders started building cobblestone roads instead of dirt roads. And there was an benefit in Security and safety as the Nordlanders also patrolled the roads.

Rory Mercury was travelling down those very same streets and she loved how this Nordlanders as they called themselves were ruling Falmart as unlike the Saderans, the Nordlanders showed honor and joining there cause had many attractive benefits that Sadera couldn't give themselves.

As Rory was walking down the roads travelling to destinations unknown she came across a Group of Nordlander Knights.

Rory stopped to examine them they were patrolling the roads and they were armed with swords and Cavalry lances but unlike the Nordland Knights she had witnessed fighting a Skirmishes with advanced Saderan Forces, this knights appeared to be of a lesser house.

What manner of Nordlander Knight she found was the Nordland Hospitala Knights. The Hospitalas are a knightly Order that are adepted at keeping order and keeping the people safe. Founded as a seperate House of knights in the aftermath of an Ork Waaaagh the Hospitalas were soldiers dedicated to the people. Which is why there are atleast 3 Companies of them in Falmart as they were called up for duty by the Kings.

As Rory approached the Knights they emmidiatelly removed there helmets and gave her a friendly smile. But then they put there helmets back on as something catches there eye.

Rory smiled she was intrigued by the Nordlanders as she has witnessed them fighting in Italica and at Alnus Hill and she watched as this Knights surged Forward as they saw a group of Bandits.

The Bandits upon the Hospitalas made a desperate run for it but the Nordlanders caught up to them and there the Bandits fell by Cavalry Spear and Sword. Soon after the Nordland Knights dismounted and Freed a Little girl who was kidnapped and  they've been tracking down for days. Now that she is free the Nordlander Hospitalas escorted her back to her village.

Rory was curious about this people, unlike the Saderans they actually have honor. And they care for the people she has heard a Nordlander Army was in Italica so perhaps she could catch up to them at the city. Maybe she could learn more about them there.

( Italica. )

Princess Pina couldn't believe what had just happened, The Nordlander Kings offered the city of Italica and all the Vassals states and Nobles an offer of Freedom in exchange for Feilty and most if not all of them have accepted the new Nordland rule and have even begun emulating Nordland architecture and culture.

As Italica was rebuilding it was not being rebuilt by Falmartians but by Nordlanders, Craftsmen and architects who were paid according to there skills came from Nordland to seek out a new opportunity and it proved to be an excellent opportunity. They were paid accordingly and based on there skills.

The way she witnessed the Nordlanders build was spectacular and was built upon efficiency. As the houses they've made can hold up to 4 Different families. And the streets were cleaned and Nordland Town watch armed with round shields and Spears. But one stings for sure Nordlander rules had more benefits then Sadera. In fact Princess Pina also heard many of the citizens talking about how Nordland was better then Saderan rule.

And in other parts of Falmart King Cambyses and Lord Duran march for Elbe, as Duran also accepted the offer and convinced Cambyses to help him reclaim his Kingdom from usurpers.

However Pina and her knights began to feel a bit haisy. However she slept it off perhaps it was just a Cold. Oh how wrong they were as even down in the City the populace began to get sick from some unknown disease. The Antiganid Virus has struck Italica. And from that very City it shall spreads all through out Falmart and all other imperial cities.

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