Chapter 20 : Battle Of The Elbe Wood.

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King Duran and King Cambyses looked upon the opposing Saderan force. They noticed the amount of resources put into stopping there advance.

Opposing the Nordlanders was 9000 Saderan Troops supported by Hundreds of Extra Auxiliaries from all across Falmart. Mainly made up of Goblins and one Ogre.

King Duran nodded and said
“ We must treed carefully my Friend. Those Legionnaires from Sadera are expert fighters, those men are very same men that had forcefully vassalized one of my neighbours a few decades back.”

King Cambyses then said
“ Look at them King Duran. They may have a potent amount of infantry. But we have one thing those overconfident bastards don't we have superior Cavalry. My Red Knights. ”

King Duran replied
“ And what of the Ogre ? It would take quite a few men to take it down. ” said King Duran.

“ Leave those Ogres to us Lord of Elbe. ” a Voice said. Lord Duran turned around and he saw the two Nordland Giants approach.

One of the Nordland Giants said
“ We can deal with the Ogre. So you and King Cambyses can focus upon the infantry. ”

King Duran stumbled a bit when he saw the Nordland Giants especially concidering that they can speak and think like normal men, but he got his composure back and he nodded at them before the 2 Kings looked back upon the battlefield and the Foe that they now face.

The Saderan Legionnaires had been waiting for the Nordlanders to come and meet them and battle and now battle they shall have.

King Duran deployed his Elbe troops to far Left. Nordland Infantry made up the Center with the two Nordland Giants at there backs ready to jump into the Fray.

Behind the Infantry Nordlander Crossbowmen readied there Crossbows and were beginning to aim at the Saderans. And 3 Companies of Nordland Red Knights took there place at the Right wing. The Position Of Honor on the Battlefield.

Behind the main force of Nordlanders was a force of 5000 Nordlander Soldiers put in the  reserve to plug in any gaps as quickly as they could. They were deployed in a Triplex Acies formation.

And Finnaly the Grand Bombards of the Nordland Armies deploy on the Battlefield. They're crew began loading Cannister Shot. And Battle began. The Saderans march forward in a steady pace and infront of them was a force of Heavy armored knights.

Before the rest of the Saderans could charge. The knights surged Forward with there Horses King Duran and King Cambyses concluded that they wanted to hit the lines and hopefully exploit an Opening.

The Saderan Knights let out a war cry but there charge was sort lived when the Nightmare of the Saderan Army returned. The Bombards opened fire using the Favored Cannister Shot completely obliterating the Knights.

The Knights were shattered, many died almost instantly other bled to death while screaming in Pain, and other even lost there Limbs or got crushed by panicked Horses.

The Bombards then fired upon the approaching Saderan Legio and opened fire. Tearing through the enemy formation and causing Chaos and confusion amist the Saderan Ranks.

And The Nordlander Crossbowmen took advantage of this chaos and fired Volleys of Arrows at the Saderan ranks. Litteraly launching hundreds at a time. Killing hundreds of Saderans and wounding many more.

Not even the Auxiliaries or the Saderans could prevail againts Nordlander arms as they were either killed by the Cannister Shot or got killed in other horrible ways.

Already the Saderans were realing from the bombards and and the Crossbowmen. Thousands died as they continued to rain down death from above.

Then Cambyses ordered the Bombards and Crossbowmen to seice firing. And the main body of Nordland infantry. And along with King Duran's troops surged Forward.

The Varangian Guard of Nordland hit the Saderan Lines first and fought with more ferocity then the rest of the army. Cutting and Cleaving there way through Saderan Cohort after Saderan Cohort with there Dane Axes.

The Saderan Orge too was in a  Deadly dual with the two Nordlander Giants as the Orge couldn't find a weakness in the army that it could exploit.

Duran fought alongside his men. Saderans Fell and Elbe troops fell but the Saderans are being pushed back. Duran fought like the Lion of Elbe. For he was that Very lion whom even Emperor Molt feared would best him in bloody Battle.

The Nordlanders too lost men but for each Nordlander Killed 4 Saderans would fall to Nordland Discipline and Arms. The Varangians are even more so effective that the mere sight of there Dane Axes caused many to turn and run.

The Fighting was Feirce and neither side seemed to be getting an advantage over the other. It was slow grinding sloging Match of Infantry. They fought like this for hours until the Saderans heard the thunderous charge of Hundreds of Horses.

The Nordlander Red Knights joined the Fray hitting the Saderans in the Flanks of there formation and skaughtering them almost to a man.

The Remaing Saderans lost all hope and fell back in a Panicked Retreat. And a Nordlander Red Knight beheaded one of the Saderan Nobles leading the Attack and raised it for all to see and the day was won.

However none were more so happy then King Duran and his Elbe troops. For now they have won back the independence of there Kingdoms. And now the Final Phase of the Nordland grand strategy can begin.

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