Chapter 23 : Rondol

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A Nordlander Caravan of 4 Carriages escorted by a Unit of 30 Nordland Hospitalas Knights makes there way trecking across Falmart.

Making there way through the Countryside was Easy, no Saderans Dare make an incursion on the Nordlander Roads. And within the Carriage were the Magic Users and Teachers of The Kingdoms Nordland. And amongst them was Aristotles and Lelei.

Lelei sat down and Read all about Nordlander Magics and there Applications, The Nordlanders have more advanced concepts then the  Saderans Do. Not to mention all the More Complex and Effective.

Around Lelei was the Gossip and Talking of Nordlander Scribes and Practisioners of Nordlander Magic alongside Nordland Teachers and Tutors.

And Amongts them was Aristotles the Greatest Nordlander Mage of The Arts of Magic. They're destination was the City of Rondol.

From what Aristotles was able to Get out of the Nordlander Informants in Falmart, Rondol was a Massive city of Magic and sky high buildings. Though unlike The Citadel Of Aristotles back in Nordland, Rondol wasn't as Large and was attacked on more then a Few occasions.

And Aristotles wanted to Annax the City of Rondol for the Soul Purpose of Establishing a Nordlander Mage School. And he brought along scribes and his Teachers and Magic Users fresh from The Gate.

And Aristotles brought Lelei along because the Blue haired Girl reminded him of many of his own Students back in Nordland, and he offered Lelei a Place with him as a Student of his and She Gladly Accepted.

Lelei said to Aristotles
“ Um. Teacher, why did we bring those Hospitalas Knights with us ? This road is quite safe. ”

“ It is because it's better to be Safe then Sorry. This place isn't Safe until every Saderan Soldier and Leader has been put to the Sword, and with honor less Bandits around I'd rather not let them near my new Blue Haired Pupil. ” Replied Aristotles.

“ I see... We should be there in a few moments. ” Said Lelei. They road over a Hill and when they did they saw the Walls and Gates of the city of Rondol.

The Hospitalas Knights escorted them all the way as the Gates Opened to them. Gripping there Cavalry Lances and Swords and keeping alert just incase of any attempt of Aristotles's life was Made and if needed they shall be ready to Die.

As They Road through the Streets and stopped by a Palace which housed the Ruling Council of Rondol. The Nordland Hospitalas got of there Horses to act as Bodyguards on Foot.

Aristotles and Lelei got off first Followed by Nordlander Scribes and The Magics Users and Teachers of the great Nordlander Mage Colleges. Where all Nordlanders can Learn from and it's located inside the Citadel of Aristotles.

And There Aristotles met with the Head Wizards of Rondol to Discuss... Annexation Terms, The Rondol Wizards already Received the Message from the Nordlanders the message asking for " Free Reign over your Lands for Exchange for Feilty. " on multiple Occasions. And now there they sat ready to Discuss Terms with Aristotles.

The Wizards of Rondol went on the Offensive, trying to discourage Aristotles from answering back by giving him Straight Points and Perks of not Accepting the terms. They said that if they did then the City would Revolt againts them.

But Aristotles was a Very Old and Cunning Man. And so he Simply Replied “ Then Perhaps you should Crush the Rebels Now. And then Accept my Terms. ” which made the Rondol Wizards Stumble a Bit. Aristotles knew this People probably wouldn't submit Emmidiatelly. And so he prepared and Braised himself for an Argument Days Prior to the Metting. Which gave him a significant Advantage.

Aristotles made his Point as he Showered the Rondol Wizards with a Tourent like Bombardment of Slirs and Telling them off all the Freedom they could have if they just Submitted to Nordland Rule as a Principality ruled by the Nobility here in Rondol. Why were the People of Rondol born Slaves to the Uptight and Upstart Saderan Empire when they had the Honorable and Loyal Nordlanders to Watch over them from this Dark Times ?

Every Counter Argument was easily broken by Aristotles as he Continued to Press his Point and he Even went as far as to say that the Saderan Empire was Crumbling Before them and if they Sat idle then they too will be brought down with the Saderans. And this threats were Legitimate.

Already King Salmere, Cambyses, Herold, Lancaster and even Duran of the new " Nordlander Kingdom State of Elbe. " were marching there Forces on Sadera Proper. And Duran was to be formally Recognised as The Emperor Of Nordlander Sadera there.

Eventually However, the Wizards Broke and Accepted the Nordlander Offer so long as they keep the right to govern themselves. But they will Obey Nordland Laws and Regulations and pay the Taxes of Nordland
" Tides." as the Nordlanders called them.

And with that Rondol became a Semi attonamous Province of Nordland. And now Thanks to Aristotles only one Obstacle Remains. Sadera itself

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