Chapter 9 : Scouts.

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A Day later the Allied Kingdom Prisoners were taken into the newly constructed Nordland fort bastions. Within the Highly secure Fortresses the Nordlanders took the prisoners in and they were soon being questioned Nordland Interrogators to get information about the land.

Some of whom had to be tortured to get information mainly from the often hard headed Saderan Nobility.

But the Vassal Nobles from Elbe and other vassal nations were more cooperative, some of them out of Respect for the Honorable hard working and often tolerant nature of the Nordlanders didn't call them Barbarians, for Surely Barbarians wouldn't fight in such disorganised fashion. Instead they called the Nordlanders Honorable foes. And So the Nobles from the vassal States got the better treatment and mutual respect then the Saderan Nobility.

One Saderan Noble was even severely beaten to Death for Trying to Rape a Warrior Bunny.
When the Nordland Guards Saw this they rushed in and beat the Noble to death, and the Nordlanders only stopped when they thrusted a Spear through the Saderan Noble's body.

In fact the Allied Kingdom soldiers including King Duran Himself concidered the Nordland Knights more Honorable then there Saderan Counterparts. It was then that they learned :
' Respect the Nordlanders and they Respect You. Nordland skies are Blue, its second only by you. '
- Poem of a unknown Nordland Soldier.

Inside the main Building of the Bastions the Kings of Nordland held a council Metting.

King Herald said
“ Yesterday was a Mighty Day for Mighty Battle indeed, however I have my concerns. ”

“ I agree, we are in enemy territory we know nothing about the lands that lay ahead of us. ”
Said King Lancaster. Putting Caution over Glory.

King Cambyses replied
“ And what of our Kovenant Allies ? Surely they would know about the Gate. ”

King Herald said to him
“ I would by no means discourage That thought Friend Cambyses. However I know Reichskommisar Evercati, he wouldn't send in his armies because as far as his concerned its our Problem to deal with. ”

Reichskommisar Evercati was the Leader of Reichskommisariot Nordland, Ever since first contact Evercati and the Nordland Kings have been close Allies and Evercati agreed to Subdivide Nordland into two parts.

Evercati controlled 7 Strategic Worlds while The Kingdoms of Nordland get to have there atonomy in exchange for being Allies. And it was through the Kovenant Nordland got advanced weaponry such as Bombards. And Dragon Bombers.

King Cambyses then said
“ Perhaps... An ultomatum is in Order, we have a valued King as a Captive along with many many treasures and Nobles. ”

King Salmere then replies
“ No. No they shall only see this a Bluff, I've seen there Nobles and without a Dought they shall send another army with another Nobleman at its head. ”

King Herald replies
“ It sounds like you have a Plan with your Men King Salmere. ”

King Salmere said
“ Yes, I shall march my army to take the city of Italica. From there I shall extend our supply lines and continue to march towards the enemy capital. ”

King Lancaster said
“ Do not rush ahead to war young King, perhaps we should send the Knights of Nordland to Scout out the enemy before we make such a Dastardly move. ”

King Cambyses said
“ I concure I do not wish to march blindly into an ambush. ”

King Salmere nodded acknowledging the troubles of matching without information in hand.

And so it was Agreed. One Company from each Knightly order present at the Battle would go ahead of the army and scout. And to report back as well as to interact with Locals.

The Varangian Guard are also to act as heavy hitting mobile  infantry that will accompany the Knights highlighting the Trust and Prestigious organisation the Varangian Guard trully is

Sir Klement and his second Company of White Knights numbering about 700 Knights and accompanied by an Advanced Unit of 100 Varangian Guards, 300 Nordland Swordsmen and 100 Nordland Crossbowmen are to be accompanying them across the land.

Sir Klement who was an experienced Captain of the Second Company was concidered that the infantry would slow his advanced. But he was a Nordland Knight he is expected to find away and work with whatever his lord have to give him.

The Knightly Orders were sent out. Grey Knights scouted the area north of Alnus to scout out anything of Military Value and to conduct spoiling attacks.

Sir Klement and his White Knights were given the task of interacting with the Locals and win there support. For they would be key to turning Falmart into a Nordland Kingdom.

But the Red Knights were given a Special Task. They are to Escort Nordland Nobles around Falmart and Identify who would be fit for the role of ruler in Falmart.

For Nordland had no ambition here asides from finishing this war and so they chose to form a new Nordland Kingdom here in the place of the Saderan Empire and so it was the Red Knights task to find a suitable candidate.

And so the Knightly scouting Parties were sent out and they began there tasked accordingly and to the Honorable status of Nordland Knights.

Sir Klement would soon encounter the Coda Village and with it would lay the foundation for the following events that he and his Beloved Nordland would soon undertake.

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