Chapter 16 : Letters

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As the Nordlanders stood upon the walls of Italica. given there recent Decisive victory againts the bandits and the subsequent peaceful Nordland occupation the people accepted the Nordlanders with open arms and already most of them have pledge loyalty and feilty to there new Nordlander Lords and Noblemen.

Princess Pina and her knights were still inside Italica when the Italican Guards were soon after replaced with Nordlander soldiers. And she knew where the Italican palace guards went. They were assigned to patrol and police the streets, and the Nordlanders gave them simple round shields and long swords to defend themselves with. as is standard Nordland procedure when enforcing the law.

Princess Pina also looked down to look at the city's new Nordlander Lords. Which were showered with praise and the upmost hospitality by the Locals.

But there cheers got even stronger when They saw Count Formal returning to his city and people. The locals were delighted and ever welcoming to both him and the Nordlanders. And the greatest of the Nordlander mages was with them Aristotles.

When Princess Myui saw him her eyes began to tear up.

Count Formal knelt down at her daughter, and beside her a black  Bearded Nordland Spearmen gently took the Princess to Count Formal, Spear in Hand should the situation get out of hand and the Nordlander would have to defend the two.

“ F-father... ” Princess Myui said as the Count responded by hugging her back.

Count Formal said
“ Not to worry, I am here now, how horrible it must have been for you a young girl to manage a city on your own, I am so very sorry Myui. ”

The Princess replies
“ Its alright father, your here now and that's all that matters to me right now. ”

Count Formal then looked at the Nordlander Soldiers helping whatever wounded militias they can and burying there own Dead and just then the knight he came to know as Sir Klement came riding in with his White Knights all of them covered in Blood and Sir Klement has the magic user Myuute as a prisoner before giving her over to the Varangians.

Count Formal asks
“ So tell me how have the  Nordlanders been treating you and the city ? ”

Princess Myui Replied
“ They treated a Princess, they treated me like I was of noble birth and gave me fair treatment. Some of the Nordlanders even called me by name not ones have they treated the city with disrespect in fact they've treated the people in high regard. ”

“ Is that so ? ” Count Formal stands to face King Herald and said “ I thank you your highness for not treating my people in a less then ideal manner. Please if there's anything I can do to repay you just ask. ”

King Herald nodded and took out a letter within a wooden tube with the Nordlander Eagle crest on it and he gave it to Count Formal.

Count Formal opened and read the letter and his eyes widen at what he was offering his city and people. He looked at King Herald.

King Herald Said
“ There is one thing you could do I am willing to forgive your involvement in the Invasion and I'm willing to take in your people as Nordlanders. If you accept Nordland Rule. Nordland Culture. And Nordland Regulation and law. In other words I am offering you a chance to begin a new life under the Nordlander banner in exchange for Feilty. What say you ? ”

Count Formal looked at it one more time then at his people and he realised the benefits the Nordlanders have that Sadera would not be able to give

Count Formal said
“ Yes... Yes my lord, I count Formal of Italica accepts your offer we are at your service. ”

And with Count Formal's acceptance the entirety of the city accepted the Nordlanders as there new overlords. Then King Herald sent hundreds of riders out to the many Lords and Nobles of the land those who were willing to join are Vassal Nobles who have had enough of Saderan rule and have thrown in with the Nordlanders. Which caused the Nordlander sphere of Influence to expamd dramatically to the point that they controlled almost the entire cost.

And as for Aristotles he and his mages wanted to start a school of basic science and math here in Italica to introduce the population to Nordlander Education which could teach people everything from chemistry to advanced fields in Science and Math.

But alas unknown to most men in Falmart, one of the bandits carried a Doll he had taken from the forests of Nordland. But that Doll would bring Falmart to its knees as it was infected with a disease that only the Nordlanders knew how to stop.

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