Chapter 11 : Evacuation.

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As the Nordland Knights rush into the Sight of the fire and there they found a burning Elven Village.

Sir Klement and his knights were sickened by the sight of burning Corpses and Sir Klement looked to his men and he said “ QUICK MEN PUT OUT THE FIRE AND FIND ANY SURVIVORS ! ”

Sir Klement and his Nordland White Knights quickly road around the burning village and with the Help of Lelei tried to put out the fires around the elven village.

One of the knights tries to pull out an Elf only for him to be found dead on the spot.

Others began using there Capes to try and put out the flame but it was nowhere near successful.

It was then Sir Klement found a wishing well and out of desperation Sir Klement ordered his knights to fetch water from it but what they found instead shocked them to the core.

It was an Elf, but she was beautiful, so very beautiful.

One of the Nordland Knights shouted “ Sir ! We've found someone in the well ! ”

Sir Klement Road up to then in his horse and he ordered them to fetch her out and the knights obliged and used ropes and magic from Lelei to descend and Grab the Elf before ascending back to the surface.

The Nordlanders try in vain to put out the flames of the elven village but no matter what they did they couldn't put it out on there own and with no sighs of other survivors the nordlanders leave with hast.

Sir Klement, being the type of man never to let some beast get the middle man ordered his knights to head towards Coda Village and to warn the villagers.

The Nordlanders tell The Village of what they've witnessed and the Village Chieftan emmidiatelly ordered an Evacuation. Sir Klement offered his Knightly assistance and the chief accepted.

As the Villagers were preparing to Evacuate Sir Klement sent a messangers to his Lords and told them that they were about to conduct an Evacuation. And the kings of Nordland who were sympathetic to the common man sent a message back telling them to take the safest route possible. The kings out caution before audacity.

And as the Coda Villagers began to Evacuate, the Nordland Knights led by Sir Klement took a rather unorthodox path.

To pull this off the Nordlanders enlisted Lelei's magic and they used her magics to be a sort of Crude Map of sorts.

As they began to evacuate the Nordlanders took increasingly more difficult Terrain to pass through back to Alnus Hill. And by doing so they've avoided the return of the flame Dragon.

But as they went more carts broke down, the Nordlander fixed whatever they could but what they couldn't carry they burned, returning was not an option. It is here the Lelei learned about the Nordland attitudes to the position of Soldiering. The Nordlander White Knights keeped the group togheter.

Those who complained about conditions were quickly put back in order by Nordland Discipline and Respect and finally they reached Alnus Hill relatively intact and with no casualties thanks to the unorthodox Evacuation performed by Sir Klement and His knights.

The Coda Villagers were astounded by the Alnus Fort, within the Fort was a series of smaller forts, in essence it was a near unbreakable fortress. Because it was not one Fort it was a Fort within a Fort, Within a Fort, within a Fort.

Sir Klement welcomed them to the Alnus Hill fortress bastions. And to make there stay here all the more welcome, the 4 Kings Of  Nordland came out to meet them in person.

Lelei met with the kings whom exchanged hand shacks and gave The refugees welcome as there Guards took them to improvised tents.

Lelei was surprised at the caring seemingly thoughtfully nature of King Herald as he gave the Refugees food and water as they entered The Nordland Alnus bastions.

King Salmere the Dragon Prince of Nordland got along with the children as he gave them a Dragon Scale from his own  Kingdom. The Children loved him and even introduced them to a Tamed Nordland Dragon and to there surprise the Nurskabd Dragons can Speak to them.

King Lancaster met with the Village Chieften and gave him a small pouch of Gold to help his Villagers which the Coda Villagers were thankful for as they were culture shocked to see Kings acting in such a way.

King Cambyses exchanged a few hand shacks and gave them there  querters and work within the Fortress Bastion to act as there repayment so that the Villagers wouldn't have to whore themselves to relay them.

Everything was well but soon war and battle would come again

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