Chapter 22 : Nordlander Pleasentries.

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As King Duran was restored to the Elbe Throne. And as Both Nordlander and Elbe forces celebrate there victory over the Empire.

Already there was a Celebration in Elbe. As Nobles from both Sides met each other in a Party.

Nordlander Knights and Soldiers acted as Bodyguards for the people invited, even King Duran and Cambyses were enjoying themselves.

King Duran asked
" So tell me my friend, what is to be the Fate of Sadera should our  Armies find themselves at the Gates of the Empire ? "

King Cambyses replied
" What is to await my Friend. Is the Execution of the Emperor and the execution of the entire Saderan Royal Family. And after that there shall be a Crowning of a New Emperor and Dynasty. "

King Duran smiled and said
" Oh ? And who might that be ? "

" I'm speaking to him right now. "
Said King Cambyses as he drank a Cup of Fine Saderan Wine. King Duran's eyes widen at what he was implying.

" So your choosing me to take over from the bastard Molt. Well, I'd be happy to accept, but I may need your help in Capturing the Imperial Capital. " Said Lord Duran.

All around them Nobles and Commanders from boths sides Elbe and Nordlander Alike were exchanging Pleasentries with one another.

And thanks to the victory won here in Elbe, the Nordland supply routes will remain undisturbed and even Extended.
Even Now Nordland Supply convoys treck across Elbe towards there intended Destinations. Escorted by Nordlander Knights and Soldiers.

And to add more enjoyment The Saderan fleet has also been crushed at Sea by the Nordlander Fleets. Thanks to there otherwise better experience and faster moving Ships. And overall Superior Crews.

Accompanying the Succes the Nordlanders have was a New Falmart spy by the name of Myuute.

King Duran asked
" So tell me what is your homeland like ? Nordland was it ? " he asked looking at King Cambyses.

And King Cambyses after drinking one more swig of fine Falmart wine responded saying
" It's rather large. Perhaps 2 Times larger then Falmart. And believe me when I say that it isn't all fun and games in Nordland. It is World under constant siege from Orks, forever on the War Path againts Endless Terrors and unceasing War. "

King Duran said
" How interesting... Well believe me when I say that Elbe too has been beset on all sides by the Empire. They came and they Subjugated us. " he then gave a sigh and look upon his Elbe Nobles gathered at his otherwise Lovely Palace " But now is the opportunity to get back at Molt for abandoning us at Alnus Hill. "

" And how should we go about overthrowing this... Emperor Molt ? " Asked King Cambyses.

King Duran responded
" We could try and siege the Imperial Capital. But it will take a Significant amount of time and storming the City will be Difficult enough to accomplish. "

King Cambyses then looked out upon the Capital City of Elbe and he thought on how to take the Imperial Capital by Storm. He looked upon the Roads and the The Commoners doing there daily routine. Then it Hit him.
" I believe I May have a Solution to that Problem Duran. Do you see the Streets ? "

" Yes, what about them ? " Duran asked. " What does this have to do with Anything ? " he reasonably asked.

King Cambyses then pointed at the Streets. " Naturally any city of any sort must have a way to keep itself Clean and Keep the Filth away. The Sewers. "

Duran looked at him and he smiled at where he was getting at
" I believe I know where your getting at my Nordlander friend. We use the sewers to sneak our soldiers into the city and then we catch them by Surprise by the time we choose to show ourselves. "

King Cambyses nods yes and he  said " Indeed that is the Plan my Friend. Though I do hope you don't mind going forward with my Plan. "

" If it can get this war over with and Molt's head on a stick then I'm willing to go with your Plan when shall be the Attack ? " Asked Duran.

King Cambyses replied
" When the clock hits 12 PM. " he said while showing him a Pocket Watch.

And in the Fields of Sadera King Salmere and his Dragon Rider Companions did Terrible Battle againts the Flame Dragon.

The Flame was bigger then what they were used to but today the Flame Dragon face off againts the Dragon Killers and Caretakers of Nordland. King Salmere the Dragon Tamer has come to Claim this beast's life.

The Nordlander Dragon Riders swirled around diving down with there Dragons and managing to Pierce it's scales with there Weapons and Grapling Hooks causing the Flame Dragon to Roar in Pain as it breathed fire everywhere.

King Salmere silently Signalled his Dragon Riders to Split off to Avoid the fires of Flame Dragon narrowly escaping it's fire breath.

King Salmere observed the Flame Dragon as his Intrusted Companions distracted and Attacked It with all There Expertise on Dragons. And he looks for a Weak point to Exploit.

King Salmere finds one. It was a Weak spot even regular Spear armed infantry can exploit when Fighting Nordlander Dragons. The Eyes weren't armored and were in fact Exposed.

King Salmere Dived down with his Dragon Mound and he Fires a Grapling Hook hitting one of its Eyes.

The Nordlander Dragon Riders emmidiatelly came down to the surface and used there Dragons to Tow the Flame Dragon. Causing it to Loose Balance and Fall over.

And ones it Did the Nordlanders delivered a Killing Blow. The Dragon Riders dived down and Impaled there Anti Dragon Weapons into it's neck and all parts of its Body. Leaving it Completely Disabled and Unable to Move as the Weapons Pinned the Flame Dragon to the Ground.

King Salmere and His Dragon Riders landed, King Salmere approached the Beast.

The Flame Dragon Looked at him unable to stop him from Touching it's Scales. King Salmere said " May this Victory be in Vengeance of Lady Tuka of her Humble village. "

King Salmere then delivered the Killing Blow to the Flame Dragon as he road his Dragon Hundreds of Feet in the air and he dived down at High Speeds and his Anti Dragon Lance pierced its Skull and Destroyed its Brain.

The Flame Dragon is Slain.

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